Ulster Masters 2013 at Ballynafeigh
Event details
Nov 17, 2013 09:00 PM
Contact Name
Contact Phone
Venue: Ballynafeigh Chess Club, Ballynafeigh Community House, 283 Ormeau Road, Belfast
Entry Fee: £15 (£12 if made prior to 14th November 2013).
Time control: 70 mins per player per game. 30secs increment (Record All moves).
Timetable: Saturday & Sunday, 16,17th of November 2013Registration: 0930-1000 on Day 1
Day 1 & Day 2 :
Round 1 & 4; 1000-1300
Round 2 & 5; 1400-1700
Round 3 & 6; 1800-2100
Sections: To be decided on Day 1 depending upon turnout.
Prizes: Precise prize fund will be formulated and published on Day 1.
Contact: for any enquiries or to enter contact damien_cunningham@hotmail.com or td@ulsterchess.org or telephone 07803361034
Tournament director: Damien Cunningham