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Children enjoy monthly Chess Tournament

Primary and Secondary Students gathered for the monthly tournament at Methodist College and the battles commenced.

The afternoon of 15th February saw 23 young chess players gather for some chess fun. We held three tournaments a 7 round swiss for the Secondary pupils, a 7 round all play all primary tournament and, as we had a little time, a Primary all play all battle chess tournament.

The big thing to learn in chess when you start is handling losing. Learning from your mistakes and playing the next game. It is a difficult lesson. At times even top chess players find losing hard to take. Its brilliant to watch these youngsters enjoying the game and even if losing coming back to improve and sometimes then winning and then eventually becoming the best....

Photos and full results below.

The Room

Secondary Feb - Round 1


No Name                Feder Total  Result   Name             Feder Total

 1 Cameron Brown       F1    [0]      1:0    Marcus McEneaney F3    [0]  
 2 Christopher O'Hagen F4    [0]      0:1    Patrick Creagh   F1    [0]  
 3 Joel Dawson         F3    [0]      0:1    Hannah Patterson F2    [0]  
 4 Jake Patterson      F4    [0]      1:0    John Dawson      F5    [0]  
 5 Matt Duffy          F1    [0]      0:1    Kevin Robbin     F5    [0]  
 6 Adam Simmonite      F1    [0]      1:0    Matthew Gray     F4    [0]  
 7 Kieran Martin       F1    [0]      0:1    Andrew Todd      F5    [0]  
 8 Samuel Todd         F2    [0]      1:0    Ethan Martin     F1    [0]  


Secondary Feb - Round 2


No Name             Feder Total  Result   Name                Feder Total

 1 Kevin Robbin     F5    [1]      1:0    Cameron Brown       F1    [1]  
 2 Patrick Creagh   F1    [1]      0:1    Adam Simmonite      F1    [1]  
 3 Hannah Patterson F2    [1]     .5:.5   Samuel Todd         F2    [1]  
 4 Andrew Todd      F5    [1]     .5:.5   Jake Patterson      F4    [1]  
 5 Ethan Martin     F1    [0]      0:1    Joel Dawson         F3    [0]  
 6 John Dawson      F5    [0]      1:0    Kieran Martin       F1    [0]  
 7 Marcus McEneaney F3    [0]      0:1    Matt Duffy          F1    [0]  
 8 Matthew Gray     F4    [0]      1:0    Christopher O'Hagen F4    [0]  


Secondary Feb - Round 3


No Name                Feder Total  Result   Name             Feder Total

 1 Adam Simmonite      F1    [2]      0:1    Kevin Robbin     F5    [2]  
 2 Jake Patterson      F4    [1.5]    0:1    Hannah Patterson F2    [1.5]
 3 Samuel Todd         F2    [1.5]    0:1    Andrew Todd      F5    [1.5]
 4 Cameron Brown       F1    [1]      0:1    John Dawson      F5    [1]  
 5 Matt Duffy          F1    [1]      1:0    Patrick Creagh   F1    [1]  
 6 Joel Dawson         F3    [1]      1:0    Matthew Gray     F4    [1]  
 7 Kieran Martin       F1    [0]      0:1    Marcus McEneaney F3    [0]  
 8 Christopher O'Hagen F4    [0]      1:0    Ethan Martin     F1    [0]  


Secondary Feb - Round 4


No Name             Feder Total  Result   Name                Feder Total

 1 Kevin Robbin     F5    [3]      1:0    Hannah Patterson    F2    [2.5]
 2 Andrew Todd      F5    [2.5]    1:0    Joel Dawson         F3    [2]  
 3 John Dawson      F5    [2]      1:0    Matt Duffy          F1    [2]  
 4 Jake Patterson   F4    [1.5]    1:0    Adam Simmonite      F1    [2]  
 5 Patrick Creagh   F1    [1]      0:1    Samuel Todd         F2    [1.5]
 6 Matthew Gray     F4    [1]      1:0    Cameron Brown       F1    [1]  
 7 Marcus McEneaney F3    [1]      1:0    Christopher O'Hagen F4    [1]  
 8 Ethan Martin     F1    [0]     .5:.5   Kieran Martin       F1    [0]  

Secondary Chess 1

Secondary Feb - Round 5


No Name             Feder Total  Result   Name                Feder Total

 1 Andrew Todd      F5    [3.5]    0:1    Kevin Robbin        F5    [4]  
 2 Hannah Patterson F2    [2.5]    0:1    John Dawson         F5    [3]  
 3 Samuel Todd      F2    [2.5]    0:1    Jake Patterson      F4    [2.5]
 4 Matt Duffy       F1    [2]      1:0    Matthew Gray        F4    [2]  
 5 Adam Simmonite   F1    [2]      0:1    Marcus McEneaney    F3    [2]  
 6 Joel Dawson      F3    [2]      1:0    Christopher O'Hagen F4    [1]  
 7 Cameron Brown    F1    [1]      1:0    Ethan Martin        F1    [.5] 
 8 Kieran Martin    F1    [.5]     1:0    Patrick Creagh      F1    [1]  


Secondary Feb - Round 6


No Name                Feder Total  Result   Name          Feder Total

 1 Kevin Robbin        F5    [5]      1:0    John Dawson   F5    [4]  
 2 Jake Patterson      F4    [3.5]    1:0    Joel Dawson   F3    [3]  
 3 Marcus McEneaney    F3    [3]      0:1    Andrew Todd   F5    [3.5]
 4 Hannah Patterson    F2    [2.5]    0:1    Matt Duffy    F1    [3]  
 5 Matthew Gray        F4    [2]     .5:.5   Samuel Todd   F2    [2.5]
 6 Adam Simmonite      F1    [2]      0:1    Cameron Brown F1    [2]  
 7 Christopher O'Hagen F4    [1]      0:1    Kieran Martin F1    [1.5]
 8 Patrick Creagh      F1    [1]      0:1    Ethan Martin  F1    [.5] 


Secondary Feb - Round 7


No Name                Feder Total  Result   Name             Feder Total

 1 Kevin Robbin        F5    [6]      1:0    Jake Patterson   F4    [4.5]
 2 Matt Duffy          F1    [4]      0:1    Andrew Todd      F5    [4.5]
 3 John Dawson         F5    [4]      1:0    Samuel Todd      F2    [3]  
 4 Joel Dawson         F3    [3]      1:0    Marcus McEneaney F3    [3]  
 5 Cameron Brown       F1    [3]      1:0    Patrick Creagh   F1    [1]  
 6 Kieran Martin       F1    [2.5]    1:0    Adam Simmonite   F1    [2]  
 7 Ethan Martin        F1    [1.5]    0:1    Matthew Gray     F4    [2.5]
 8 Christopher O'Hagen F4    [1]      0:1    Hannah Patterson F2    [2.5]

Secondary Chess 2

The outright winner of the secondary tournament was Kevin Robbin unbeaten with a score of 7 out of 7, closely followed by Andrew Todd and John Dawson.

Andrew is a very keen chess player and organizes Chess at Bangor Grammar School. He brings a group of students from the Grammar and they are all doing very well. It is also nice to see families playing - we have a number of excellent chess playing families - The Pattersons, The Dawsons, The Robbins, The Guptas. Now to join these are the Todds with Andrew chasing Kevin in the secondary section and Samuel doing well in the lower Secondary and Peter having won this months Primary Section without a loss.

Secondary Feb - Standings


Place Name                 Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Robbin, Kevin        F5            7        21.0  28.5   28.0
  2   Todd, Andrew         F5            5.5      19.0  29.0   22.0
  3   Dawson, John         F5            5        19.5  29.5   19.0
  4   Patterson, Jake      F4            4.5      21.0  30.0   19.0
 5-7  Duffy, Matt          F1            4        20.5  28.5   16.0
      Dawson, Joel         F3            4        16.0  22.5   15.0
      Brown, Cameron       F1            4        15.0  23.0   13.0
8-10  Patterson, Hannah    F2            3.5      20.5  28.5   16.0
      Gray, Matthew        F4            3.5      14.5  19.5   12.0
      Martin, Kieran       F1            3.5      12.5  19.0    8.0
11-12 Todd, Samuel         F2            3        18.0  24.5   15.0
      McEneaney, Marcus    F3            3        17.5  24.0   12.0
 13   Simmonite, Adam      F1            2        18.5  26.5   13.0
 14   Martin, Ethan        F1            1.5      15.0  20.0    4.0
15-16 O'Hagen, Christopher F4            1        15.0  20.0    5.0
      Creagh, Patrick      F1            1        14.0  19.0    7.0

Primary chess 2

Primary - Round 1


No Name              Feder  Result   Name              Feder

 1 Calvin Patterson  P2     1.0:0.0  Seamus Douglas    P4   
 2 Admira Kecskameti P3     1.0:0.0  Arnold Kecskemeti P2   
 3 Peter Todd        P7     1.0:0.0  Calum Glendinning P5   
 4 Phoebe Patterson  P4        :     BYE                    


Primary - Round 2


No Name              Feder  Result   Name              Feder

 1 Arnold Kecskemeti P2     0.0:1.0  Peter Todd        P7   
 2 Seamus Douglas    P4     0.0:1.0  Admira Kecskameti P3   
 3 Phoebe Patterson  P4     0.0:1.0  Calvin Patterson  P2   
 4 Calum Glendinning P5        :     BYE                    


Primary - Round 3


No Name              Feder  Result   Name              Feder

 1 Admira Kecskameti P3     1.0:0.0  Phoebe Patterson  P4   
 2 Peter Todd        P7     1.0:0.0  Seamus Douglas    P4   
 3 Calum Glendinning P5      .5:1.5  Arnold Kecskemeti P2   
 4 Calvin Patterson  P2        :     BYE                    


Primary - Round 4


No Name              Feder  Result   Name              Feder

 1 Seamus Douglas    P4     0.0:1.0  Calum Glendinning P5   
 2 Phoebe Patterson  P4     0.0:1.0  Peter Todd        P7   
 3 Calvin Patterson  P2     1.0:0.0  Admira Kecskameti P3   
 4 Arnold Kecskemeti P2        :     BYE                    


Primary - Round 5


No Name              Feder  Result   Name             Feder

 1 Peter Todd        P7     1.0:0.0  Calvin Patterson P2   
 2 Calum Glendinning P5     1.0:0.0  Phoebe Patterson P4   
 3 Arnold Kecskemeti P2     1.0:0.0  Seamus Douglas   P4   
 4 Admira Kecskameti P3        :     BYE                   


Primary - Round 6


No Name              Feder  Result   Name              Feder

 1 Phoebe Patterson  P4     1.0:0.0  Arnold Kecskemeti P2   
 2 Calvin Patterson  P2     1.0:0.0  Calum Glendinning P5   
 3 Admira Kecskameti P3     0.0:1.0  Peter Todd        P7   
 4 Seamus Douglas    P4        :     BYE                    


Primary - Round 7


No Name              Feder  Result   Name              Feder

 1 Calum Glendinning P5     0.0:1.0  Admira Kecskameti P3   
 2 Arnold Kecskemeti P2     1.0:0.0  Calvin Patterson  P2   
 3 Seamus Douglas    P4     0.0:1.0  Phoebe Patterson  P4   
 4 Peter Todd        P7        :     BYE                    


Peter Todd won the Primary tournament without a defeat. Sharing 2nd place was the very young P2 Calvin Patterson and P3 Admira Kecskameti, with her younger brother also P2 Arnold placing a close 4th place. These are very promising young chess players with lots of talent.

Primary Winner

Primary - Standings


Place Name              Feder Rtg Loc Score Berg. Wins

  1   Peter Todd        P7            6     16.00    6
 2-3  Calvin Patterson  P2            4      8.50    4
      Admira Kecskameti P3            4      8.00    4
  4   Arnold Kecskemeti P2            3.5    7.75    3
  5   Calum Glendinning P5            2.5    3.75    2
  6   Phoebe Patterson  P4            2      3.50    2
  7   Seamus Douglas    P4            0      0.00    0
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