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Plenty of quality Schools Chess at Methodist College

On January 11th the Childrens Chess competitions continued. Out of the top players who will win a place at the Stormont Elite event at the end of the School year?
Plenty of quality Schools Chess at Methodist College

Enjoying the game

Plenty of chess the secondary schools had 14 good players all looking to beat the previous champion Kevin Robbin. Playing a 7 round swiss.

With 8 players in the Primary section we played a 6 round swiss and a fun Battle Chess tournament again of 6 rounds. With a chess Puzzle competition running at the same time. A good afternoon of chess and hard thinking....


Secondary January2014 - Round 1


No Name                Feder Total  Result   Name             Feder Total

 1 Cameron Brown       F1    [0]      1:0    Marcus McEneaney F3    [0]  
 2 Christopher O'Hagen F4    [0]      0:1    Joel Dawson      F3    [0]  
 3 Matt Duffy          F1    [0]      0:1    Hannah Patterson F2    [0]  
 4 Jake Patterson      F4    [0]      0:1    Owen Edwards     F2    [0]  
 5 Matthew Gray        F4    [0]      0:1    Kevin Robbin     F5    [0]  
 6 Andrew Todd         F5    [0]      1:0    Kieran Martin    F1    [0]  
 7 Ethan Martin        F1    [0]      0:1    Samuel Todd      F2    [0]  

Secondary January2014 - Round 2


No Name             Feder Total  Result   Name                Feder Total

 1 Hannah Patterson F2    [1]      0:1    Cameron Brown       F1    [1]  
 2 Joel Dawson      F3    [1]      0:1    Kevin Robbin        F5    [1]  
 3 Owen Edwards     F2    [1]      0:1    Andrew Todd         F5    [1]  
 4 Samuel Todd      F2    [1]      1:0    Matt Duffy          F1    [0]  
 5 Marcus McEneaney F3    [0]      0:1    Matthew Gray        F4    [0]  
 6 Kieran Martin    F1    [0]      1:0    Christopher O'Hagen F4    [0]  
 7 Jake Patterson   F4    [0]      1:0    Ethan Martin        F1    [0]  



Secondary January2014 - Round 3


No Name             Feder Total  Result   Name                Feder Total

 1 Cameron Brown    F1    [2]      0:1    Andrew Todd         F5    [2]  
 2 Kevin Robbin     F5    [2]      1:0    Samuel Todd         F2    [2]  
 3 Kieran Martin    F1    [1]      0:1    Joel Dawson         F3    [1]  
 4 Hannah Patterson F2    [1]      1:0    Owen Edwards        F2    [1]  
 5 Matthew Gray     F4    [1]      0:1    Jake Patterson      F4    [1]  
 6 Matt Duffy       F1    [0]      1:0    Marcus McEneaney    F3    [0]  
 7 Ethan Martin     F1    [0]      1:0    Christopher O'Hagen F4    [0]  

Secondary January2014 - Round 4


No Name                Feder Total  Result   Name             Feder Total

 1 Andrew Todd         F5    [3]      0:1    Kevin Robbin     F5    [3]  
 2 Samuel Todd         F2    [2]     .5:.5   Cameron Brown    F1    [2]  
 3 Joel Dawson         F3    [2]      1:0    Hannah Patterson F2    [2]  
 4 Jake Patterson      F4    [2]      1:0    Kieran Martin    F1    [1]  
 5 Matthew Gray        F4    [1]      1:0    Matt Duffy       F1    [1]  
 6 Owen Edwards        F2    [1]      1:0    Ethan Martin     F1    [1]  
 7 Christopher O'Hagen F4    [0]      0:1    Marcus McEneaney F3    [0]  



Secondary January2014 - Round 5


No Name             Feder Total  Result   Name                Feder Total

 1 Kevin Robbin     F5    [4]      1:0    Jake Patterson      F4    [3]  
 2 Andrew Todd      F5    [3]      1:0    Joel Dawson         F3    [3]  
 3 Cameron Brown    F1    [2.5]    1:0    Owen Edwards        F2    [2]  
 4 Hannah Patterson F2    [2]     .5:.5   Samuel Todd         F2    [2.5]
 5 Ethan Martin     F1    [1]      0:1    Matthew Gray        F4    [2]  
 6 Marcus McEneaney F3    [1]      1:0    Kieran Martin       F1    [1]  
 7 Matt Duffy       F1    [1]      1:0    Christopher O'Hagen F4    [0]  

Secondary January2014 - Round 6


No Name                Feder Total  Result   Name             Feder Total

 1 Kevin Robbin        F5    [5]      1:0    Cameron Brown    F1    [3.5]
 2 Samuel Todd         F2    [3]      0:1    Andrew Todd      F5    [4]  
 3 Joel Dawson         F3    [3]      0:1    Matthew Gray     F4    [3]  
 4 Jake Patterson      F4    [3]      1:0    Hannah Patterson F2    [2.5]
 5 Kieran Martin       F1    [1]      0:1    Matt Duffy       F1    [2]  
 6 Marcus McEneaney    F3    [2]     .5:.5   Ethan Martin     F1    [1]  
 7 Christopher O'Hagen F4    [0]      0:1    Owen Edwards     F2    [2]  

Secondary January2014 - Round 7


No Name             Feder Total  Result   Name                Feder Total

 1 Matt Duffy       F1    [3]      0:1    Kevin Robbin        F5    [6]  
 2 Andrew Todd      F5    [5]     .5:.5   Jake Patterson      F4    [4]  
 3 Matthew Gray     F4    [4]      1:0    Cameron Brown       F1    [3.5]
 4 Owen Edwards     F2    [3]      0:1    Samuel Todd         F2    [3]  
 5 Joel Dawson      F3    [3]      1:0    Marcus McEneaney    F3    [2.5]
 6 Hannah Patterson F2    [2.5]    1:0    Christopher O'Hagen F4    [0]  
 7 Ethan Martin     F1    [1.5]    0:1    Kieran Martin       F1    [1]  



Kevin Robbin won the tournament with a full score of 7 points still the player to beat! Andrew Todd coming second on 5.5 points.

Secondary January2014 - Round 7


Place Name                Feder Score

  1   Kevin Robbin        F5    7    
  2   Andrew Todd         F5    5.5  
  3   Matthew Gray        F4    5    
  4   Jake Patterson      F4    4.5  
 5-6  Samuel Todd         F2    4    
      Joel Dawson         F3    4    
 7-8  Cameron Brown       F1    3.5  
      Hannah Patterson    F2    3.5  
9-10  Matt Duffy          F1    3    
      Owen Edwards        F2    3    
 11   Marcus McEneaney    F3    2.5  
 12   Kieran Martin       F1    2    
 13   Ethan Martin        F1    1.5  
 14   Christopher O'Hagen F4    0    

WIth new faces in the Primary Section would there be an upset?

Youngsters enjoying a game

Primary January - Round 1


No Name             Feder Total  Result   Name             Feder Total

 1 Lorcan Amir      P4    [0]      1:0    Katrina O'Hagan  P7    [0]  
 2 Phoebe Patterson P4    [0]      1:0    Ronan Amir       P6    [0]  
 3 Darragh Ferguson P7    [0]      1:0    Calvin Patterson P2    [0]  
 4 Pete Todd        P7    [0]      1:0    Fiachra Avery    P5    [0]  

Primary January - Round 2


No Name             Feder Total  Result   Name             Feder Total

 1 Phoebe Patterson P4    [1]      1:0    Lorcan Amir      P4    [1]  
 2 Pete Todd        P7    [1]      1:0    Darragh Ferguson P7    [1]  
 3 Ronan Amir       P6    [0]      0:1    Calvin Patterson P2    [0]  

Primary January - Round 3


No Name             Feder Total  Result   Name             Feder Total

 1 Darragh Ferguson P7    [1]      1:0    Phoebe Patterson P4    [2]  
 2 Calvin Patterson P2    [1]      0:1    Pete Todd        P7    [2]  
 3 Fiachra Avery    P5    [1]      1:0    Lorcan Amir      P4    [1]  
 4 Katrina O'Hagan  P7    [0]      0:1    Ronan Amir       P6    [0]  


Top Primary players enjoying the game

Primary January - Round 4


No Name             Feder Total  Result   Name             Feder Total

 1 Phoebe Patterson P4    [2]      0:1    Pete Todd        P7    [3]  
 2 Fiachra Avery    P5    [2]      0:1    Darragh Ferguson P7    [2]  
 3 Lorcan Amir      P4    [1]      0:1    Ronan Amir       P6    [1]  
 4 Calvin Patterson P2    [1]      1:0    Katrina O'Hagan  P7    [0]  

Primary January - Round 5


No Name             Feder Total  Result   Name             Feder Total

 1 Pete Todd        P7    [4]      1:0    Lorcan Amir      P4    [1]  
 2 Darragh Ferguson P7    [3]      1:0    Katrina O'Hagan  P7    [0]  
 3 Ronan Amir       P6    [2]     .5:.5   Fiachra Avery    P5    [2]  
 4 Phoebe Patterson P4    [2]      1:0    Calvin Patterson P2    [2]  

Primary January - Round 6


No Name             Feder Total  Result   Name             Feder Total

 1 Katrina O'Hagan  P7    [0]      0:1    Pete Todd        P7    [5]  
 2 Fiachra Avery    P5    [2.5]    0:1    Phoebe Patterson P4    [3]  
 3 Calvin Patterson P2    [2]      0:1    Darragh Ferguson P7    [4]  



Primary January - Round 6


Place Name             Feder Score

  1   Pete Todd        P7    6    
  2   Darragh Ferguson P7    5    
  3   Phoebe Patterson P4    4    
 4-5  Fiachra Avery    P5    2.5  
      Ronan Amir       P6    2.5  
  6   Calvin Patterson P2    2    
  7   Lorcan Amir      P4    1    
  8   Katrina O'Hagan  P7    0    

An excellent result from Pete Todd winning all games without a defeat. Only P4 Phoebe Patterson gained 3rd place with an excellent score of 4 points.

We run a Grand-Prix across the Childrens Chess Tournaments - the top children of each tournament have their top 3 scores across the 5 tournaments over the year accumulated and the top 4 upper school,  4 lower school, 4 primary school and top 4 problem solvers get invited to the end of year award Ceremony and Elite Stormont tournament. The Parents and the Principals/teachers of the schools are invited to this prestigious chess event.

The scores to date:

Senior School: F4- U6

______Nov ______Jan ______Feb ______Mar ______Apr
_____Total ____Best 3
Kevin Robbin F5 7 10

17 17
Thomas Donaldson L6 10

10 10
Jake Patterson F4 5 5

10 10
Andrew Todd F5

8 8
Matthew Chapman U6 7

7 7
Matthew Gray F4

6 6
Christopher O'Hagen F4

5 5
Adam Henning U6 4

4 4

Lower School: F1-F3

______Jan ______Feb ______Mar ______Apr _____Total ____Best 3
Joel Dawson F3 10 8

18 18
Hannah Patterson F2 7 5.5

12.5 12.5
Samuel Todd F2

10 10
Patrick McGurnaghan F3 7

7 7
Cameron Brown F1

5.5 5.5
Matt Duffy F1

4 4
Owen Edwards F2

4 4
Marcus McEneaney F3

2 2
Kieran Martin F1

1 1

Primary School

______Nov ______Jan ______Feb ______Mar ______Apr _____total ___Best 3.
Fiachra Avery P5 10 4.5

14.5 14.5
Phoebe Patterson P5 6 6

12 12
Calvin Patterson P2 8 3

11 11
Pete Todd P7

10 10
Darragh Ferguson P7

8 8
Caolan Lawrenson P7 5

5 5
Ronan Amir P6

4.5 4.5
Seamus Douglas P4 4

4 4
Mani Douglas P5 3

3 3
Lorcan Amir P4

2 2
Katrina O'Hagan P7

1 1










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