Plenty of quality Schools Chess at Methodist College
Plenty of chess the secondary schools had 14 good players all looking to beat the previous champion Kevin Robbin. Playing a 7 round swiss.
With 8 players in the Primary section we played a 6 round swiss and a fun Battle Chess tournament again of 6 rounds. With a chess Puzzle competition running at the same time. A good afternoon of chess and hard thinking....
Secondary January2014 - Round 1
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Cameron Brown F1 [0] 1:0 Marcus McEneaney F3 [0] 2 Christopher O'Hagen F4 [0] 0:1 Joel Dawson F3 [0] 3 Matt Duffy F1 [0] 0:1 Hannah Patterson F2 [0] 4 Jake Patterson F4 [0] 0:1 Owen Edwards F2 [0] 5 Matthew Gray F4 [0] 0:1 Kevin Robbin F5 [0] 6 Andrew Todd F5 [0] 1:0 Kieran Martin F1 [0] 7 Ethan Martin F1 [0] 0:1 Samuel Todd F2 [0]
Secondary January2014 - Round 2
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Hannah Patterson F2 [1] 0:1 Cameron Brown F1 [1] 2 Joel Dawson F3 [1] 0:1 Kevin Robbin F5 [1] 3 Owen Edwards F2 [1] 0:1 Andrew Todd F5 [1] 4 Samuel Todd F2 [1] 1:0 Matt Duffy F1 [0] 5 Marcus McEneaney F3 [0] 0:1 Matthew Gray F4 [0] 6 Kieran Martin F1 [0] 1:0 Christopher O'Hagen F4 [0] 7 Jake Patterson F4 [0] 1:0 Ethan Martin F1 [0]
Secondary January2014 - Round 3
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Cameron Brown F1 [2] 0:1 Andrew Todd F5 [2] 2 Kevin Robbin F5 [2] 1:0 Samuel Todd F2 [2] 3 Kieran Martin F1 [1] 0:1 Joel Dawson F3 [1] 4 Hannah Patterson F2 [1] 1:0 Owen Edwards F2 [1] 5 Matthew Gray F4 [1] 0:1 Jake Patterson F4 [1] 6 Matt Duffy F1 [0] 1:0 Marcus McEneaney F3 [0] 7 Ethan Martin F1 [0] 1:0 Christopher O'Hagen F4 [0]
Secondary January2014 - Round 4
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Andrew Todd F5 [3] 0:1 Kevin Robbin F5 [3] 2 Samuel Todd F2 [2] .5:.5 Cameron Brown F1 [2] 3 Joel Dawson F3 [2] 1:0 Hannah Patterson F2 [2] 4 Jake Patterson F4 [2] 1:0 Kieran Martin F1 [1] 5 Matthew Gray F4 [1] 1:0 Matt Duffy F1 [1] 6 Owen Edwards F2 [1] 1:0 Ethan Martin F1 [1] 7 Christopher O'Hagen F4 [0] 0:1 Marcus McEneaney F3 [0]
Secondary January2014 - Round 5
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Kevin Robbin F5 [4] 1:0 Jake Patterson F4 [3] 2 Andrew Todd F5 [3] 1:0 Joel Dawson F3 [3] 3 Cameron Brown F1 [2.5] 1:0 Owen Edwards F2 [2] 4 Hannah Patterson F2 [2] .5:.5 Samuel Todd F2 [2.5] 5 Ethan Martin F1 [1] 0:1 Matthew Gray F4 [2] 6 Marcus McEneaney F3 [1] 1:0 Kieran Martin F1 [1] 7 Matt Duffy F1 [1] 1:0 Christopher O'Hagen F4 [0]
Secondary January2014 - Round 6
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Kevin Robbin F5 [5] 1:0 Cameron Brown F1 [3.5] 2 Samuel Todd F2 [3] 0:1 Andrew Todd F5 [4] 3 Joel Dawson F3 [3] 0:1 Matthew Gray F4 [3] 4 Jake Patterson F4 [3] 1:0 Hannah Patterson F2 [2.5] 5 Kieran Martin F1 [1] 0:1 Matt Duffy F1 [2] 6 Marcus McEneaney F3 [2] .5:.5 Ethan Martin F1 [1] 7 Christopher O'Hagen F4 [0] 0:1 Owen Edwards F2 [2]
Secondary January2014 - Round 7
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Matt Duffy F1 [3] 0:1 Kevin Robbin F5 [6] 2 Andrew Todd F5 [5] .5:.5 Jake Patterson F4 [4] 3 Matthew Gray F4 [4] 1:0 Cameron Brown F1 [3.5] 4 Owen Edwards F2 [3] 0:1 Samuel Todd F2 [3] 5 Joel Dawson F3 [3] 1:0 Marcus McEneaney F3 [2.5] 6 Hannah Patterson F2 [2.5] 1:0 Christopher O'Hagen F4 [0] 7 Ethan Martin F1 [1.5] 0:1 Kieran Martin F1 [1]
Kevin Robbin won the tournament with a full score of 7 points still the player to beat! Andrew Todd coming second on 5.5 points.
Secondary January2014 - Round 7
Place Name Feder Score 1 Kevin Robbin F5 7 2 Andrew Todd F5 5.5 3 Matthew Gray F4 5 4 Jake Patterson F4 4.5 5-6 Samuel Todd F2 4 Joel Dawson F3 4 7-8 Cameron Brown F1 3.5 Hannah Patterson F2 3.5 9-10 Matt Duffy F1 3 Owen Edwards F2 3 11 Marcus McEneaney F3 2.5 12 Kieran Martin F1 2 13 Ethan Martin F1 1.5 14 Christopher O'Hagen F4 0
WIth new faces in the Primary Section would there be an upset?
Primary January - Round 1
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Lorcan Amir P4 [0] 1:0 Katrina O'Hagan P7 [0] 2 Phoebe Patterson P4 [0] 1:0 Ronan Amir P6 [0] 3 Darragh Ferguson P7 [0] 1:0 Calvin Patterson P2 [0] 4 Pete Todd P7 [0] 1:0 Fiachra Avery P5 [0]
Primary January - Round 2
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Phoebe Patterson P4 [1] 1:0 Lorcan Amir P4 [1] 2 Pete Todd P7 [1] 1:0 Darragh Ferguson P7 [1] 3 Ronan Amir P6 [0] 0:1 Calvin Patterson P2 [0]
Primary January - Round 3
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Darragh Ferguson P7 [1] 1:0 Phoebe Patterson P4 [2] 2 Calvin Patterson P2 [1] 0:1 Pete Todd P7 [2] 3 Fiachra Avery P5 [1] 1:0 Lorcan Amir P4 [1] 4 Katrina O'Hagan P7 [0] 0:1 Ronan Amir P6 [0]
Primary January - Round 4
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Phoebe Patterson P4 [2] 0:1 Pete Todd P7 [3] 2 Fiachra Avery P5 [2] 0:1 Darragh Ferguson P7 [2] 3 Lorcan Amir P4 [1] 0:1 Ronan Amir P6 [1] 4 Calvin Patterson P2 [1] 1:0 Katrina O'Hagan P7 [0]
Primary January - Round 5
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Pete Todd P7 [4] 1:0 Lorcan Amir P4 [1] 2 Darragh Ferguson P7 [3] 1:0 Katrina O'Hagan P7 [0] 3 Ronan Amir P6 [2] .5:.5 Fiachra Avery P5 [2] 4 Phoebe Patterson P4 [2] 1:0 Calvin Patterson P2 [2]
Primary January - Round 6
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Katrina O'Hagan P7 [0] 0:1 Pete Todd P7 [5] 2 Fiachra Avery P5 [2.5] 0:1 Phoebe Patterson P4 [3] 3 Calvin Patterson P2 [2] 0:1 Darragh Ferguson P7 [4]
Primary January - Round 6
Place Name Feder Score 1 Pete Todd P7 6 2 Darragh Ferguson P7 5 3 Phoebe Patterson P4 4 4-5 Fiachra Avery P5 2.5 Ronan Amir P6 2.5 6 Calvin Patterson P2 2 7 Lorcan Amir P4 1 8 Katrina O'Hagan P7 0
An excellent result from Pete Todd winning all games without a defeat. Only P4 Phoebe Patterson gained 3rd place with an excellent score of 4 points.
We run a Grand-Prix across the Childrens Chess Tournaments - the top children of each tournament have their top 3 scores across the 5 tournaments over the year accumulated and the top 4 upper school, 4 lower school, 4 primary school and top 4 problem solvers get invited to the end of year award Ceremony and Elite Stormont tournament. The Parents and the Principals/teachers of the schools are invited to this prestigious chess event.
The scores to date:
Senior School: F4- U6
______Nov | ______Jan | ______Feb | ______Mar | ______Apr |
_____Total | ____Best 3 | ||
Kevin Robbin | F5 | 7 | 10 | 17 | 17 | |||
Thomas Donaldson | L6 | 10 | 10 | 10 | ||||
Jake Patterson | F4 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 10 | |||
Andrew Todd | F5 | 8 | 8 | 8 | ||||
Matthew Chapman | U6 | 7 | 7 | 7 | ||||
Matthew Gray | F4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | ||||
Christopher O'Hagen | F4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ||||
Adam Henning | U6 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Lower School: F1-F3
______Nov |
______Jan | ______Feb | ______Mar | ______Apr | _____Total | ____Best 3 | ||
Joel Dawson | F3 | 10 | 8 | 18 | 18 | |||
Hannah Patterson | F2 | 7 | 5.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 | |||
Samuel Todd | F2 | 10 | 10 | 10 | ||||
Patrick McGurnaghan | F3 | 7 | 7 | 7 | ||||
Cameron Brown | F1 | 5.5 | 5.5 | 5.5 | ||||
Matt Duffy | F1 | 4 | 4 | 4 | ||||
Owen Edwards | F2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | ||||
Marcus McEneaney | F3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | ||||
Kieran Martin | F1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Primary School
______Nov | ______Jan | ______Feb | ______Mar | ______Apr | _____total | ___Best 3. | ||
Fiachra Avery | P5 | 10 | 4.5 | 14.5 | 14.5 | |||
Phoebe Patterson | P5 | 6 | 6 | 12 | 12 | |||
Calvin Patterson | P2 | 8 | 3 | 11 | 11 | |||
Pete Todd | P7 | 10 | 10 | 10 | ||||
Darragh Ferguson | P7 | 8 | 8 | 8 | ||||
Caolan Lawrenson | P7 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ||||
Ronan Amir | P6 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | ||||
Seamus Douglas | P4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | ||||
Mani Douglas | P5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | ||||
Lorcan Amir | P4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | ||||
Katrina O'Hagan | P7 | 1 | 1 | 1 |