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January Childrens Chess: a primary one comes second

Calvin Patterson one of the youngest players we have had at our events came second in the Primary Section with an excellent score of 4 out of 7.

At his first tournament Calvin distinguished himself scoring 4 out of 7 coming 2nd overall. Whilst Phoebe Patterson a P3 gained 3rd place. Two young players to watch. The primary section had 6 players including the Ulster U10 Champion Honor Parissis who has just returned from playing the London Junior Chess Championship coming 7th out of 87 players in the Under 10 Minor competition. Honor won this tournament only dropping 1/2 point to Andrew Farquharson. Andrew was the draw King managing to draw 4 games. It was good to see some new faces. The format of tournament was all play all 5 rounds followed by a two round swiss with the players points used to pair. So 7 rounds in total.

P5 Winner: Calvin Patterson (P1), 2nd Pheobe Patterson (P3)

P6 Winner Honor Parissis, 2nd Ben  Wilson, 3rd Andrew Farquharson

P7 Winner Sara Kelly


Place Name               Feder Score

  1   Honor Parissis     P6    6.5  
  2   Calvin Patterson   P1    4    
 3-4  Phoebe Patterson   P3    3.5  
      Ben Wilson         P6    3.5  
  5   Andrew Farquharson P6    3    
  6   Sara Kelly         P7    0.5  

The puzzle competition introduces a different skill set - here is more considered problem solutions with precise answers. Chess puzzles are fun and good for your chess. Everyone should try a puzzle a day!

Primary Puzzle Winner

Gold Certificate:

Honor Parissis   12

Silver Certificate:

Andrew Farquharson 8

Secondary Puzzle Winners

Gold Certificate:

Kevin Robbin     19

The secondary tournament was hard fought Kevin Robbin winning the tournament, Matthew Chapman second followed by Thomas Donaldson and Karina Kruk joint 3rd.

Form1 Winner Eibha Ni Mhuireagian, 2nd Eoghan Turkington

Form 2 Winner Naoisa Ellis

Form 3 Winner Jake Patterson, 2nd Finlay Kelly

Form 4 and above Winner Kiran Robbin, 2nd Matthew Chapman, 3rd Thomas Donaldons, Karina Kruk


Place Name                 Feder Score

  1   Kiran Robbin         F5    5.5  
  2   Matthew Chapman      L6    4.5  
 3-4  Thomas Donaldson     F5    4    
      Karina Kruk          U6    4    
  5   Jake Patterson       F3    3.5  
 6-8  Kevin Robbin         F4    3    
      Eibha Ni Mhuireagian F1    3    
      Chris Turnbull       L6    3    
  9   Finlay Kelly         F3    2.5  
 10   Eoghan Turkington    F1    2    
 11   Naoisa Ellis         F2    1    
by Swiss Perfect (TM)


Our next tournament will be at Methodist College 12:30pm 16th February.









Details of the rounds:

Primary Competition


No Name                    Result   Name               

 1 Sara Kelly       P7       0:1    Ben Wilson         P6   
 2 Honor Parissis   P6      .5:.5   Andrew Farquharson P6   
 3 Phoebe Patterson P3       0:1    Calvin Patterson   P1   


No Name                      Result   Name             

 1 Ben Wilson         P6       1:0    Calvin Patterson P1   
 2 Andrew Farquharson P6      .5:.5   Phoebe Patterson P3   
 3 Sara Kelly         P7       0:1    Honor Parissis   P6   


No Name                    Result   Name               

 1 Honor Parissis   P6       1:0    Ben Wilson         P6   
 2 Phoebe Patterson P3       1:0    Sara Kelly         P7   
 3 Calvin Patterson P1       0:1    Andrew Farquharson P6   


No Name                  Result   Name               

 1 Ben Wilson     P6      .5:.5   Andrew Farquharson P6   
 2 Sara Kelly     P7       0:1    Calvin Patterson   P1   
 3 Honor Parissis P6       1:0    Phoebe Patterson   P3  


No Name                     Result   Name           

 1 Phoebe Patterson   P3       0:0    Ben Wilson     P6   
 2 Calvin Patterson   P1       0:1    Honor Parissis P6   
 3 Andrew Farquharson P6      .5:.5   Sara Kelly     P7   


No Name                      Result   Name             

 1 Andrew Farquharson P6       0:1    Honor Parissis   P6   
 2 Ben Wilson         P6       0:1    Phoebe Patterson P3   
 3 Calvin Patterson   P1       1:0    Sara Kelly       P7   


No Name                      Result   Name             

 1 Phoebe Patterson   P3       0:1    Honor Parissis   P6   
 2 Andrew Farquharson P6       0:1    Calvin Patterson P1   
 3 Ben Wilson         P6       1:0    Sara Kelly       P7  

Secondary Competition


No Name                   Result   Name                 

 1 Matthew Chapman L6     1.0:0.0  Eibha Ni Mhuireagian F1   
 2 Jake Patterson  F3     0.0:1.0  Thomas Donaldson     F5   
 3 Naoisa Ellis    F2     0.0:1.0  Kiran Robbin         F5   
 4 Kevin Robbin    F4     1.0:0.0  Finlay Kelly         F3   
 5 Karina Kruk     U6     1.0:0.0  Eoghan Turkington    F1   
 6 Chris Turnbull  L6     1.0:0.0  BYE  


No Name                        Result   Name            

 1 Kiran Robbin         F5      .5:.5   Matthew Chapman L6   
 2 Thomas Donaldson     F5     1.0:0.0  Kevin Robbin    F4   
 3 Chris Turnbull       L6     0.0:1.0  Karina Kruk     U6   
 4 Eibha Ni Mhuireagian F1     1.0:0.0  Naoisa Ellis    F2   
 5 Finlay Kelly         F3      .5:.5   Jake Patterson  F3   
 6 Eoghan Turkington    F1     1.0:0.0  BYE                  


No Name                     Result   Name                 

 1 Karina Kruk       U6     0.0:1.0  Thomas Donaldson     F5   
 2 Eoghan Turkington F1     0.0:1.0  Kiran Robbin         F5   
 3 Matthew Chapman   L6     1.0:0.0  Finlay Kelly         F3   
 4 Kevin Robbin      F4     1.0:0.0  Chris Turnbull       L6   
 5 Jake Patterson    F3     0.0:1.0  Eibha Ni Mhuireagian F1   
 6 Naoisa Ellis      F2     1.0:0.0  BYE                       


No Name                       Result   Name              

 1 Thomas Donaldson     F5     0.0:1.0  Matthew Chapman   L6   
 2 Kiran Robbin         F5     1.0:0.0  Karina Kruk       U6   
 3 Eibha Ni Mhuireagian F1     0.0:1.0  Kevin Robbin      F4   
 4 Naoisa Ellis         F2     0.0:1.0  Eoghan Turkington F1   
 5 Finlay Kelly         F3     0.0:1.0  Chris Turnbull    L6   
 6 Jake Patterson       F3     1.0:0.0  BYE                  


No Name                    Result   Name                 

 1 Matthew Chapman  L6     1.0:0.0  Kevin Robbin         F4   
 2 Thomas Donaldson F5     0.0:1.0  Kiran Robbin         F5   
 3 Karina Kruk      U6     1.0:0.0  Eibha Ni Mhuireagian F1   
 4 Chris Turnbull   L6     1.0:0.0  Eoghan Turkington    F1   
 5 Naoisa Ellis     F2     0.0:1.0  Jake Patterson       F3   
 6 Finlay Kelly     F3     1.0:0.0  BYE                       


No Name                        Result   Name             

 1 Karina Kruk          U6     1.0:0.0  Matthew Chapman  L6   
 2 Kevin Robbin         F4     0.0:1.0  Kiran Robbin     F5   
 3 Chris Turnbull       L6     0.0:1.0  Thomas Donaldson F5   
 4 Eoghan Turkington    F1     0.0:1.0  Jake Patterson   F3   
 5 Finlay Kelly         F3     1.0:0.0  Naoisa Ellis     F2   
 6 Eibha Ni Mhuireagian F1     1.0:0.0  BYE               










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