Ulster Rapidplay Championship 2015
Event details
from 08:30 AM to 04:00 PM
Contact Name
Contact Phone
Venue: Ballynafeigh Community Centre, 283 Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT7 3GG
Format: 6 round swiss. Open to players of all abilities.
Entry Fee: £12 (£10 if registered before Wednesday 22nd April)
Time Control: 25 minutes per player for all moves
Timetable: All 6 rounds are played on Saturday 25th April 2015. Registration is on the morning of the event at 10.30am.
Sections: To be decided on the day depending on turnout
Prizes: The prize fund will be formulated and published on the day of the tournament
Contact: For any enquiries or to enter contact Tournament Director or call Ross Harris on 07796172227
Tournament Director: Ross Harris