Scholastic Chess at Methodist College Belfast. - February 9th 2019
The third Scholastic Chess tournament with a brilliant influx of Methodist Students we had 26 entrants. It was good to see new faces - the more players the greater the challenges and more fun the competition. The atmosphere was friendly and everyone focused on the chess.
As usual the players had the opportunity to solve challenging puzzles between rounds. A good way to improve your chess and to discuss chess. The puzzles were collected at about 3:00pm and marked and handed back with certificates for all the participants - Gold, Silver. Bronze and trophies for the top Secondary and Primary Puzzle solvers. There is a Grandprix Puzzle solving system that leads to invites for the top 4 Secondary and Primary Students and their Parents and School Principals to the End of Year Award Ceremony usually held at Stormont.
The winner of the secondary puzzle solving competition : Conor MacRandal,
Name | Year | Points |
MacRandal, Conor | L6 | 3 |
Jeetun, Shuaib | F2 | 1 |
Ryciak, Adam | F2 | 0.5 |
The winner of the primary puzzle solving competition : Dexter Harris
Name | Year | Points |
Harris, Dexter | P6 | 19 |
Bueckert, Lucy | P7 | 18 |
Fitzsimons, Adam | P6 | 16 |
Singh, Aaditya | P7 | 14 |
Suitor, Cian | P5 | 13 |
Kamal, Taufik | P7 | 12 |
Bueckert, Diana | P7 | 11 |
Wong, Peter | P2 | 10 |
Patterson, Calvin | P7 | 9 |
McConkey, Skyla | P4 | 6 |
Bueckert, Helen | P3 | 3 |
Some of the puzzles for you to solve - solutions at the bottom of this page.
Photos and results of the competition. One thing i noticed was that the games were exciting. I watched several per round and there were plenty of complicated positions and clever moves. Also one measure of the quality of the chess is the end games - there were plenty of these with subtle winning moves.
I hope we get more schools like Methodist College informing their Parents and Students about our competitions. I think their are alot of pupils out their who would enjoy the chess if they knew about this opportunity to play a game they love. The atmosphere is friendly and the chess is fun.
Round 1
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Aayush Bhari F3 [0] 0:1 Louie McConkey F4 [0] 2 Skyla McConkey P4 [0] 0:1 Lucy Bueckert P7 [0] 3 Diana Bueckert P7 [0] 0:1 Calvin Patterson P7 [0] 4 Mohammed Rakeeb F2 [0] 0:1 Helen Bueckert P3 [0] 5 Adam Fitzsimons P6 [0] 1:0 Adam Ryciak F2 [0] 6 Aaditya Singh P5 [0] 0:1 Dexter Harris P6 [0] 7 Blake Harris P4 [0] 0:1 Cian Suitor P5 [0] 8 Filip Szwerluga F1 [0] 1:0 Shuaib Jeetun F2 [0] 9 Taufik Kamal P7 [0] 1:0 Rishon Thomas F3 [0] 10 Harry Torney F1 [0] 0:1 Conor MacRandal L6 [0] 11 James MacRandal F4 [0] 0:1 James Wong L6 [0] 12 Peter Wong P2 [0] 0:1 Reuben Magill P7 [0] 13 Jack Maxwell F1 [0] 0:1 William Zhany F3 [0]
by Swiss Perfect (TM)
Round 2
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Lucy Bueckert P7 [1] .5:.5 Reuben Magill P7 [1] 2 Helen Bueckert P3 [1] 0:1 Louie McConkey F4 [1] 3 Calvin Patterson P7 [1] 0:1 Adam Fitzsimons P6 [1] 4 Dexter Harris P6 [1] 1:0 Cian Suitor P5 [1] 5 James Wong L6 [1] 1:0 Taufik Kamal P7 [1] 6 Conor MacRandal L6 [1] 0:1 Filip Szwerluga F1 [1] 7 William Zhany F3 [1] 1:0 Aayush Bhari F3 [0] 8 Mohammed Rakeeb F2 [0] 0:1 Diana Bueckert P7 [0] 9 Adam Ryciak F2 [0] 0:1 Blake Harris P4 [0] 10 Shuaib Jeetun F2 [0] 0:1 Aaditya Singh P5 [0] 11 Rishon Thomas F3 [0] 0:1 James MacRandal F4 [0] 12 Harry Torney F1 [0] 0:1 Jack Maxwell F1 [0] 13 Peter Wong P2 [0] 1:0 Skyla McConkey P4 [0]
Round 3
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Adam Fitzsimons P6 [2] 0:1 James Wong L6 [2] 2 Filip Szwerluga F1 [2] 0:1 Dexter Harris P6 [2] 3 Louie McConkey F4 [2] 1:0 William Zhany F3 [2] 4 Diana Bueckert P7 [1] 0:1 Lucy Bueckert P7 [1.5] 5 Reuben Magill P7 [1.5] 1:0 Helen Bueckert P3 [1] 6 Blake Harris P4 [1] 1:0 Jack Maxwell F1 [1] 7 Taufik Kamal P7 [1] 1:0 Calvin Patterson P7 [1] 8 Aaditya Singh P5 [1] 1:0 Conor MacRandal L6 [1] 9 James MacRandal F4 [1] 1:0 Peter Wong P2 [1] 10 Cian Suitor P5 [1] 1:0 Shuaib Jeetun F2 [0] 11 Aayush Bhari F3 [0] 1:0 Adam Ryciak F2 [0] 12 Skyla McConkey P4 [0] 1:0 Harry Torney F1 [0] 13 Rishon Thomas F3 [0] 1:0 Mohammed Rakeeb F2 [0]
Round 4
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Dexter Harris P6 [3] .5:.5 Louie McConkey F4 [3] 2 James Wong L6 [3] 1:0 Lucy Bueckert P7 [2.5] 3 Reuben Magill P7 [2.5] 1:0 Adam Fitzsimons P6 [2] 4 Aaditya Singh P5 [2] 1:0 Blake Harris P4 [2] 5 Cian Suitor P5 [2] 0:1 Taufik Kamal P7 [2] 6 William Zhany F3 [2] 0:1 James MacRandal F4 [2] 7 Jack Maxwell F1 [1] 0:1 Filip Szwerluga F1 [2] 8 Calvin Patterson P7 [1] 1:0 Aayush Bhari F3 [1] 9 Skyla McConkey P4 [1] 0:1 Diana Bueckert P7 [1] 10 Helen Bueckert P3 [1] 0:1 Rishon Thomas F3 [1] 11 Conor MacRandal L6 [1] 1:0 Peter Wong P2 [1] 12 Shuaib Jeetun F2 [0] 1:0 Harry Torney F1 [0] 13 Adam Ryciak F2 [0] 0:1 Mohammed Rakeeb F2 [0]
Round 5
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Dexter Harris P6 [3.5] 1:0 James Wong L6 [4] 2 Louie McConkey F4 [3.5] 1:0 Reuben Magill P7 [3.5] 3 Taufik Kamal P7 [3] 1:0 Aaditya Singh P5 [3] 4 James MacRandal F4 [3] 1:0 Filip Szwerluga F1 [3] 5 Lucy Bueckert P7 [2.5] 1:0 Conor MacRandal L6 [2] 6 Diana Bueckert P7 [2] 1:0 Cian Suitor P5 [2] 7 Adam Fitzsimons P6 [2] 1:0 William Zhany F3 [2] 8 Blake Harris P4 [2] 0:1 Calvin Patterson P7 [2] 9 Rishon Thomas F3 [2] .5:.5 Skyla McConkey P4 [1] 10 Aayush Bhari F3 [1] 1:0 Jack Maxwell F1 [1] 11 Peter Wong P2 [1] 1:0 Helen Bueckert P3 [1] 12 Mohammed Rakeeb F2 [1] 1:0 Shuaib Jeetun F2 [1] 13 Harry Torney F1 [0] 0:1 Adam Ryciak F2 [0]
Round 6
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 Taufik Kamal P7 [4] 1:0 Dexter Harris P6 [4.5] 2 Louie McConkey F4 [4.5] 1:0 James MacRandal F4 [4] 3 James Wong L6 [4] 1:0 Reuben Magill P7 [3.5] 4 Lucy Bueckert P7 [3.5] 1:0 Adam Fitzsimons P6 [3] 5 Filip Szwerluga F1 [3] 1:0 Diana Bueckert P7 [3] 6 Calvin Patterson P7 [3] 1:0 Aaditya Singh P5 [3] 7 Aayush Bhari F3 [2] 1:0 Rishon Thomas F3 [2.5] 8 William Zhany F3 [2] 0:1 Blake Harris P4 [2] 9 Conor MacRandal L6 [2] 0:1 Mohammed Rakeeb F2 [2] 10 Cian Suitor P5 [2] 1:0 Peter Wong P2 [2] 11 Jack Maxwell F1 [1] 0:1 Skyla McConkey P4 [1.5] 12 Shuaib Jeetun F2 [1] 0:1 Adam Ryciak F2 [1] 13 Helen Bueckert P3 [1] 1:0 Harry Torney F1 [0]
Round 7
No Name Feder Total Result Name Feder Total 1 James Wong L6 [5] 1:0 Louie McConkey F4 [5.5] 2 Filip Szwerluga F1 [4] 0:1 Taufik Kamal P7 [5] 3 Dexter Harris P6 [4.5] 1:0 Lucy Bueckert P7 [4.5] 4 James MacRandal F4 [4] 0:1 Calvin Patterson P7 [4] 5 Reuben Magill P7 [3.5] 0:1 Diana Bueckert P7 [3] 6 Aaditya Singh P5 [3] 1:0 Aayush Bhari F3 [3] 7 Adam Fitzsimons P6 [3] 1:0 Cian Suitor P5 [3] 8 Mohammed Rakeeb F2 [3] 1:0 Blake Harris P4 [3] 9 Skyla McConkey P4 [2.5] 0:1 William Zhany F3 [2] 10 Harry Torney F1 [0] 0:1 Rishon Thomas F3 [2.5] 11 Conor MacRandal L6 [2] .5:.5 Helen Bueckert P3 [2] 12 Peter Wong P2 [2] 0:1 Shuaib Jeetun F2 [1] 13 Adam Ryciak F2 [2] 1:0 Jack Maxwell F1 [1]
Place Name Feder Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr. 1-2 James Wong L6 6 23.5 33.0 25.0 Taufik Kamal P7 6 22.0 31.0 22.0 3-4 Dexter Harris P6 5.5 24.0 33.0 24.0 Louie McConkey F4 5.5 19.0 27.5 25.0 5 Calvin Patterson P7 5 19.0 28.0 17.0 6 Lucy Bueckert P7 4.5 19.5 28.0 20.0 7-12 James MacRandal F4 4 21.0 29.0 18.0 Adam Fitzsimons P6 4 19.0 28.0 17.0 Aaditya Singh P5 4 19.0 27.0 16.0 Diana Bueckert P7 4 19.0 26.5 14.0 Filip Szwerluga F1 4 18.0 25.0 19.0 Mohammed Rakeeb F2 4 14.5 20.5 10.0 13-14 Reuben Magill P7 3.5 20.5 28.5 19.0 Rishon Thomas F3 3.5 16.0 22.0 11.5 15-19 Cian Suitor P5 3 18.5 26.5 14.0 Aayush Bhari F3 3 18.5 25.0 10.0 Blake Harris P4 3 17.0 23.0 13.0 William Zhany F3 3 16.5 23.0 14.0 Adam Ryciak F2 3 13.0 17.0 6.0 20-22 Conor MacRandal L6 2.5 16.5 21.0 11.5 Helen Bueckert P3 2.5 15.5 21.0 9.5 Skyla McConkey P4 2.5 13.5 18.0 8.5 23-24 Shuaib Jeetun F2 2 16.0 20.0 5.0 Peter Wong P2 2 14.0 20.0 9.0 25 Jack Maxwell F1 1 14.5 18.5 6.0 26 Harry Torney F1 0 12.5 17.0 0.0
Form 4 and above: Winner: James Wong (L6) Second: Louie McConkey (F4)
Form 3 Winner: Rishon Thomas Second: Aayush Bhari
Form 2 Winner: Mohammed Rakeeb Second: Adam Ryciak
Form 1 Winner: Filip Szwerluga Second: Jack Maxwell
Primary 7 Winner: Tuafik Kamal Second: Calvin Patterson
Primary 6 Winner Dexter Harris Second: Adam Fitzsimons
Primary 5 and below Winner: Aaditya Singh (P5) Second: Cian Suitor
Thanks to all the players for a great day. Also to the Volunteers and to Methodist College for the excellent room. See you next month on Saturday 9th March. 12:30 Methodist College. Watch out for standings in the Grand-Prix which will be published shortly.
Solutions to the problems
1. 1. Qf8+ Kxf8
2. g7#
1.1. Qf8+ Kxf82. g7#
2. 1. Nc6 threatening Rxb8# if 1. ... bxc6 2. Qa6# |
3. 1. Bd8+ Rxd8 2. Qxa7# |
4. 1. f4+ Kxf4 2. Rd3# |
13. 1. ... Nxc7 2. Kxc7 e6+ winning back the Bishop |
14. 1. b4 stopping Black playing the pawn Break-thru and allow White to Queen on the Kingside |
15. 1... Nb5 Threatening the Bishop and the mate Qxa7 winning the Bishop |
16. 1. Nh6# |
18. 1. ... Re7xf7 Threatening a powerful discovered check If 2. Ka8 Rxc8+ 3. Rxc8 Rxc8# if 2. Rxc7 Qxc7+ 3. Ka8 Qc8+ 4. Rxc8 Rxc8# |