The League Board results for 2017
Division 1 Board 1
1st David Houston 9/11 81.8%
2nd Gareth Annesley 7/11 63.6%
3rd Sergio Esteve Sanchez 4/8 50%
4th Mikhail Pavlov 6/13 46.2%
5th Sam Flanagan 2/8 25%
6th Ray Devenney 2/8 25%
Board 2
1st Steve Scannell 12.5/15 83.3%
2nd Steve Morgan 11.5/14 82.1%
3rd John O'Doherty 0.5/9 5.6%
Board 3
1st Nicholas Pilkiewicz 11/15 73.3%
Board 4
1st Stephen Wood 6/8 75%
2nd Danny Mallaghan 6.5/9 72.2%
3rd Eoin Carey 7/14 50%
4th John Bradley 6./13 46.2%
Board 5
No Qualifiers
The minimum requirement for Division 2 is 11 games as 22 games played during season.
Division 2 Board 1
1st Steven Eachus 8/11 72.7%
2nd Mark Newman 9/16 56.3%
3rd Ross Harris 10/18 55.6%
4th Samuel Moore 4/11 36.4%
Board 2
1st Edward Doak 6.5/14 46.4%
Board 3
1st Daniil Zelenchuk 12/14 85.7%
2nd Frank Carrothers 8.5/20 42.5%
3rd Patrick McKillen 6.5/17 38.2%
Board 4
1st Dmitry Zelenchuk 12/14 85.7%
Board 5
No Qualifiers
The minimum requirement for Divison 3 is 8 games as 16 games were played during the season.
Division 3 Board 1
1st Tyrone Winter 8/14 57.1%
2nd PJ Mallon 4/9 44.5%
3rd James Shaw 1/10 10%
Board 2
1st Matt Smiglarski 6/11 54.6%
Board 3
1st Nick Todd 5/13 38.5%
Board 4
1st Paul Anderson 5/14 45.5%
Board 5
No Qualifiers