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The Ulster Masters took place on 14th-16th October at Queens University

Chess enthusiasts congregated to play the Ulster Masters a weekend 6 round swiss. Who would win, who would master...

A new format with a round on friday evening and an early finish on Sunday. A new venue at Queens. Ross Harris and Mark Newman, Ben Campbell, Chris Roe and fellow Queens Chess players arrived early to setup the room. Tables were moved, chairs put out, sets arranged and clocks checked.

25 Players placed into one section. Including Stephen Rush the winner of both weekend tournaments (Including the Ulster Championship) for the year so far - would this be an opportunity to start on the path to winning all the tournaments - a feat only achieved by a couple of players. Who in the tournament could challenge him? Gareth Annesley top cede and winner of several tournaments. Perhaps Karina Kruk an Irish Fide Master recently returned from an international tournament the Chess Olympiad at Baku - for an article on this and a profile of Karina click here

The scene is set for an exciting tournament. There was general concensus that the room was an excellent venue.

Pairings round 1 (Friday, 14 October 2016)

1 Gareth Annesley 0.0 1879 * Daniil Zelenchuk 0.0 1170 * 1-0
2 Adrian Dornford-Smith 0.0 1132 * Stephen Rush 0.0 1818 * 0-1
3 Mikhail Pavlov 0.0 1716 * Chris Roe 0.0 1099 * 1-0
4 Geoff Hindley 0.0 1046 * Karina Kruk 0.0 1639 * 0-1
5 Robert Lavery 0.0 1596 * Barney McGahan 0.0 1043 * 1-0
6 Tyrone Winter 0.0 1016 * Martin Sloan 0.0 1550 * ½-½
7 Martin Kelly 0.0 1422 * Ben Campbell 0.0 975 * 1-0
8 Mary McCabe 0.0 891 * Modestas Razbadauskas 0.0 1400 * 0-1
9 Cathal Murphy 0.0 1361 * Billy Jackson 0.0 858 * 1-0
10 Paul Anderson 0.0 833 * Patrick McKillen 0.0 1325 * 0-1
11 Erick McPherson 0.0 1306 * Rian Mellotte 0.0 833 * 0-1
12 Jasper Ramsey 0.0 708 * Dmitry Zelenchuk 0.0 1175 * 0-1


Travelling Bye Ram Rajan

Generated by Swiss Master for Windows on 16-10-2016 at 17:24


Round 1 saw a couple of minor suprises and good results for Rian Mellotte winning against Eric McPherson and Tyrone Winter drawing against Martin Sloan in a seriously complicated minor piece ending. The rest of the games went to rating. Martin Kelly having tight time and loosing position had a lucky escape from Ben Campbell. Ben was offered a draw from Martin twice, but he imagined an apparition of Steve Scannell saying dont accept a draw in a won position.... the wonders of the imagination will never cease.

Pairings round 2 (Saturday, 15 October 2016)

1 Modestas Razbadauskas 1.0 1400 * Gareth Annesley 1.0 1879 * 0-1
2 Stephen Rush 1.0 1818 * Martin Kelly 1.0 1422 * 1-0
3 Patrick McKillen 1.0 1325 * Mikhail Pavlov 1.0 1716 * 0-1
4 Karina Kruk 1.0 1639 * Cathal Murphy 1.0 1361 * 1-0
5 Dmitry Zelenchuk 1.0 1175 * Robert Lavery 1.0 1596 * ½-½
6 Rian Mellotte 1.0 833 * Tyrone Winter 0.5 1016 * ½-½
7 Martin Sloan 0.5 1550 * Ram Rajan 0.5 1299 * ½-½
8 Ben Campbell 0.0 975 * Erick McPherson 0.0 1306 * 0-1
9 Daniil Zelenchuk 0.0 1170 * Mary McCabe 0.0 891 * 1-0
10 Billy Jackson 0.0 858 * Adrian Dornford-Smith 0.0 1132 * 0-1
11 Chris Roe 0.0 1099 * Paul Anderson 0.0 833 * 1-0
12 Barney McGahan 0.0 1043 * Jasper Ramsey 0.0 708 * 1-0
Travelling Bye Geoff Hindley


Round 2 saw the last game between Karina Kruk (recently returned from representing Ireland in International tournament) and Cathal Murphy going to the wire each player having about a min left and there being a complicated middle game. Anything could happen. Cathal missed a forced winning combination, and seeing it a little late played it only to see that it was too late and the play was foiled. Modestas Razbadausk gave Gareth Annesley a good game and Gareth pulled out all the stops to a brilliant combination mate. Dimitry Zelenchuk obtained an excellent draw against Robert Lavery and Rian continued his success with a draw against Tyrone. Ram Rajan a pawn down with Knights – got a good drew against Martin Sloan – Ram as always kept attacking, Martin defended well.


Pairings round 3 (Saturday, 15 October 2016)

1 Gareth Annesley 2.0 1879 * Karina Kruk 2.0 1639 * 1-0
2 Mikhail Pavlov 2.0 1716 * Stephen Rush 2.0 1818 * ½-½
3 Robert Lavery 1.5 1596 * Rian Mellotte 1.5 833 * 1-0
4 Martin Kelly 1.0 1422 * Dmitry Zelenchuk 1.5 1175 * 0-1
5 Adrian Dornford-Smith 1.0 1132 * Martin Sloan 1.0 1550 * 0-1
6 Ram Rajan 1.0 1299 * Modestas Razbadauskas 1.0 1400 * 1-0
7 Cathal Murphy 1.0 1361 * Daniil Zelenchuk 1.0 1170 * 1-0
8 Tyrone Winter 1.0 1016 * Patrick McKillen 1.0 1325 * 0-1
9 Erick McPherson 1.0 1306 * Barney McGahan 1.0 1043 * 1-0
10 Mary McCabe 0.0 891 * Geoff Hindley 0.5 1046 * 0-1
11 Paul Anderson 0.0 833 * Ben Campbell 0.0 975 * 0-1
12 Jasper Ramsey 0.0 708 * Billy Jackson 0.0 858 * ½-½
Travelling Bye Chris Roe


Round 3 and the top players begin to get challenged. Karina plays Gareth and Steve plays Mikhail. Mikhail does brilliantly to get a draw. Other upsets were Dmitry Zelenchuk beating Martin Kelly. Dmitry played some brilliant games during this competition.


Pairings round 4 (Saturday, 15 October 2016)

1 Stephen Rush 2.5 1818 * Gareth Annesley 3.0 1879 * 0-1
2 Dmitry Zelenchuk 2.5 1175 * Mikhail Pavlov 2.5 1716 * 0-1
3 Karina Kruk 2.0 1639 * Robert Lavery 2.5 1596 * 1-0
4 Martin Sloan 2.0 1550 * Erick McPherson 2.0 1306 * 0-1
5 Patrick McKillen 2.0 1325 * Cathal Murphy 2.0 1361 * ½-½
6 Geoff Hindley 1.5 1046 * Ram Rajan 2.0 1299 * 0-1
7 Rian Mellotte 1.5 833 * Chris Roe 1.5 1099 * 1-0
8 Barney McGahan 1.0 1043 * Martin Kelly 1.0 1422 * ½-½
9 Modestas Razbadauskas 1.0 1400 * Adrian Dornford-Smith 1.0 1132 * 1-0
10 Daniil Zelenchuk 1.0 1170 * Tyrone Winter 1.0 1016 * 1-0
11 Ben Campbell 1.0 975 * Jasper Ramsey 0.5 708 * 1-0
12 Billy Jackson 0.5 858 * Paul Anderson 0.0 833 * 0-1
Bye Mary McCabe


Round 4 Dmitry gives Mikhail a good game – a slightly exposed king for advanced pawns.....Mikhail eventually winning.

whos attack will win? Gareth attacks Steve – who defends – the exchange down but with a passed pawn on the 7th – tension or what! Gareth ends up winning and leads the competition.


Pairings round 5 (Sunday, 16 October 2016)

1 Gareth Annesley 4.0 1879 * Mikhail Pavlov 3.5 1716 * 1-0
2 Ram Rajan 3.0 1299 * Karina Kruk 3.0 1639 * 0-1
3 Erick McPherson 3.0 1306 * Patrick McKillen 2.5 1325 * ½-½
4 Robert Lavery 2.5 1596 * Stephen Rush 2.5 1818 * 1-0
5 Rian Mellotte 2.5 833 * Dmitry Zelenchuk 2.5 1175 * 1-0
6 Daniil Zelenchuk 2.0 1170 * Martin Sloan 2.0 1550 * 0-1
7 Ben Campbell 2.0 975 * Modestas Razbadauskas 2.0 1400 * 0-1
8 Martin Kelly 1.5 1422 * Geoff Hindley 1.5 1046 * ½-½
9 Chris Roe 1.5 1099 * Barney McGahan 1.5 1043 * 1-0
10 Adrian Dornford-Smith 1.0 1132 * Mary McCabe 1.0 891 * 1-0
11 Tyrone Winter 1.0 1016 * Billy Jackson 0.5 858 * ½-½
12 Paul Anderson 1.0 833 * Jasper Ramsey 0.5 708 * 0-1
Travelling Bye Cathal Murphy


Round 5 Sunday morning and its raining hard.

Theres an early upset with Steven Rush loosing a Knight early the game against Robert Lavery. Steven resigned. As Gareth continues his unbeaten run. Goes into round 6 almost unbeatable. Who would win the under 1500 prize?

Geoff Hindley does well to draw against Martin Kelly. Rian Mellotte is well placed to win a rating prize after beating Dmitry Zelenchuk.


Pairings round 6 (Sunday, 16 October 2016)

1 Robert Lavery 3.5 1596 * Gareth Annesley 5.0 1879 * ½-½
2 Karina Kruk 4.0 1639 * Erick McPherson 3.5 1306 * ½-½
3 Mikhail Pavlov 3.5 1716 * Rian Mellotte 3.5 833 * 1-0
4 Martin Sloan 3.0 1550 * Cathal Murphy 3.0 1361 * 0-1
5 Patrick McKillen 3.0 1325 * Ram Rajan 3.0 1299 * 0-1
6 Modestas Razbadauskas 3.0 1400 * Chris Roe 2.5 1099 * 1-0
7 Dmitry Zelenchuk 2.5 1175 * Daniil Zelenchuk 2.0 1170 * 0-1
8 Adrian Dornford-Smith 2.0 1132 * Martin Kelly 2.0 1422 * 0-1
9 Geoff Hindley 2.0 1046 * Ben Campbell 2.0 975 * ½-½
10 Jasper Ramsey 1.5 708 * Tyrone Winter 1.5 1016 * 1-0
11 Barney McGahan 1.5 1043 * Paul Anderson 1.0 833 * ½-½
12 Billy Jackson 1.0 858 * Mary McCabe 1.0 891 * 1-0
Withdrawn Stephen Rush


Round 6 Daniil plays dad Dmitry – who has an opportunity to win the u1500 trophy. There are several boards with deciding games – Cathal Murphy v Martin Sloan, Pat v Ram, with Karina fighting for second place on board 2 and Gareth v Robert on board 1

Rian although loosing to Mikhail wins the 1000 grading prize with an excellent 3.5 points and 9th position.

The positions being fought over: 1st, 2nd, The Des Forson Trophy Under 1500, rating prizes for top 1200 and top 1000.

Ram beat Pat gaining 4 points and leveling with Cathal Murphy and Eric McPerson all on 4 but the draw breaking system of medium-Buch/Buch/Progressive put Ram Rajan top and winner of the Des Forson under 1500 trophy.


The final standings:

1 Gareth Annesley 5.5 M 1879 * 0 0 15.5 23.0 20.5 1 1 1 1 1 ½
2 Karina Kruk 4.5 M 1639 * 0 0 16.0 24.0 16.5 1 1 0 1 1 ½
3 Mikhail Pavlov 4.5 M 1716 * 0 0 12.0 20.0 17.0 1 1 ½ 1 0 1
4 Ram Rajan 4.0 M 1299 * 0 0 14.0 20.0 13.5 = ½ 1 1 0 1
5 Robert Lavery 4.0 M 1596 * 0 0 13.5 21.0 15.0 1 ½ 1 0 1 ½
6 Cathal Murphy 4.0 M 1361 * 0 0 13.0 19.0 13.5 1 0 1 ½ = 1
7 Erick McPherson 4.0 M 1306 * 0 0 12.0 18.5 13.5 0 1 1 1 ½ ½
8 Modestas Razbadauskas 4.0 M 1400 * 0 0 11.0 17.0 12.0 1 0 0 1 1 1
9 Rian Mellotte 3.5 M 833 * 0 0 13.0 19.0 13.5 1 ½ 0 1 1 0
10 Patrick McKillen 3.0 M 1325 * 0 0 13.5 19.5 12.5 1 0 1 ½ ½ 0
11 Martin Sloan 3.0 M 1550 * 0 0 13.0 18.5 11.5 ½ ½ 1 0 1 0
12 Daniil Zelenchuk 3.0 M 1170 * 0 0 11.0 17.0 9.0 0 1 0 1 0 1
13 Martin Kelly 3.0 M 1422 * 0 0 9.5 14.5 9.5 1 0 0 ½ ½ 1
14 Stephen Rush 2.5 M 1818 * 0 0 14.5 22.5 13.0 1 1 ½ 0 0 -
15 Dmitry Zelenchuk 2.5 M 1175 * 0 0 13.5 20.5 12.5 1 ½ 1 0 0 0
16 Chris Roe 2.5 M 1099 * 0 0 12.0 18.5 9.0 0 1 = 0 1 0
17 Ben Campbell 2.5 M 975 * 0 0 12.0 17.5 7.5 0 0 1 1 0 ½
18 Geoff Hindley 2.5 M 1046 * 0 0 12.0 17.0 8.0 0 = 1 0 ½ ½
19 Jasper Ramsey 2.5 M 708 * 0 0 8.0 12.0 5.0 0 0 ½ 0 1 1
20 Barney McGahan 2.0 M 1043 * 0 0 12.0 17.5 7.0 0 1 0 ½ 0 ½
21 Adrian Dornford-Smith 2.0 M 1132 * 0 0 11.0 15.5 7.0 0 1 0 0 1 0
22 Billy Jackson 2.0 M 858 * 0 0 7.5 12.0 4.0 0 0 ½ 0 ½ 1
23 Tyrone Winter 1.5 M 1016 * 0 0 11.5 17.0 6.5 ½ ½ 0 0 ½ 0
24 Paul Anderson 1.5 M 833 * 0 0 9.5 14.5 3.5 0 0 0 1 0 ½
25 Mary McCabe 1.0 M 891 * 0 0 9.5 14.5 3.0 0 0 0 + 0 0

Winner Gareth Annesley

Second Karina Kruk

Des Forson Under 1500 winner Ram Rajan

Under 1200 Daniil Zelenchuk

Under 1000 Rian Mellotte


Luckily we had a good photographer on hand Pat McKillen. This shows what can be done with a good camera and a skill for taking photos - many thanks to Pat:


Ross hands over the Ulster Championship Trophy to Stephen Rush this years Champion. (The trophy wasnt available at the tournament),


The Eddie Whiteside Chess Library - in action - we got another few members borrowing books and enjoying/improving their chess through the library.








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