Ulster Players excel at the Delancey UK chess Challenge Giga-finals
The players playing all qualified at the Belfast Mega-finals held in May at Methodist College. Some 40,000 youngsters play in the UK tournament. Only the top 5% reach the Giga-Finals- so our players were playing against the top players in their age groups in the Country. Its always good to see local players doing well playing outside of Ulster.
A full report (we have pinched the content and photos - thanks to Ross Harris - is at - http://childrenschessni.blogspot.com/2018/07/delancey-uk-schools-chess-challenge.html
Under 7 Blake Harris came 13th with 3 points out of 6.
Under 10 group A Dexter Harris came 9th with 4 points out of 6 qualifying him for the Challenger stage of the competition to be held in Liverpool in September
Under 10 group A Ali Shahzard came 26th with 2 points out of 6.
Under 10 group B Taufik Kamal came 14th with 3.5 points out of 6.
Under 12 Maxim Dobrynin came 19th with 3 points out of 6.
Under 14 Minaahil Shahzard came 15th with 3 points out of 6.
Under 15-18 James Wong came 23rd with 2.5 points out of 6.
Well done everyone. Some fantastic results.
Full results can be found at : http://chess-results.com/tnr365822.aspx?lan=1&art=4
The Delancey Competition website is : https://www.delanceyukschoolschesschallenge.com/enter-the-challenge/