Novel feature for upcoming Fisherwick Tournament
Fisherwick Chess Club is organising a tournament running from 19 October to 23 November 2009 and which is open to non-members.
will be a swiss tournament of 6 Rounds on consecutive Monday evenings, 1.25
hours on each clock and commencing at 7.45pm.
Neil Green will be the Controller.
A novel feature will be the assimilation of junior members into the
tournament. They will play 30 minutes on each clock. Those participating in the
tournamant will need to be prepared to play juniors at this rate of play.
Total prize-fund is expected to be £100 + with a minimum first prize of £60
for the overall winner. The final prize-fund will be determined by entry fees.
Entry fee for non-club members is £10.
Entry fee for non-club members is £10.