Ulster Cyber Classic
Friday 10th 12 noon to 6pm. 60mins per player or opt for 30mins with Beserk.
Friday 10 April 2020
12 noon to 6pm
Chief Arbiter: Brendan Jamison
Join us for the first ever Ulster Classic online. Players have 60 minutes each per game.
Berserk is activated for this tournament. Before the game, this allows a player to opt for Beserk, which halves their time, i.e. they play with 30 minutes. The reward is that they get an extra point if they win.
Please remember to use your real name if setting up a LiChess account from scratch.
If you already have a LiChess account and use an anonymous nickname, you need to send UCU Tournament Director Brendan Jamison your full name so we can verify that you are part of our chess community.
Tournament webpage: