Winter Tournament 2020 - virtual
This is a new way of running the tournament - so the arrangements may be subject to change. Depending on how the tournament goes.
Hope this finds you all well in these strange times.
Venue : Online :
Please email me by 6:30pm on the evening of the tournament. to let the controller know to be included in the draw. Any emails after recieved after this time will not be included in the draw.
Need your lichess userid included in your email and your actual name - will do pairings according to UCU classic ratings.
Please note Games will not be UCU rated.
I will email a draw to the players at 7:00pm and the player with White play will challenge their opponent to a game with time limit of 1hr 30mins each.
At the end of the games - both players to email me the results. :
I will publish a weekly report of the results.
Starting Monday 19th Oct 2020 and continuing every Monday.
Ending Monday 29th March 2021. Prize Giving and mini tournament. (setup to be determined and announced).
Times : End time to enter the draw 6:30 pm. Draw emailed to players 7:00pm. The player with White to challenge their opponent.
Format The tournament is flexible – players play whichever nights suit them with pairings being made on the evening. Players are usually paired with opponents within their own grading band but late comers may get a difficult draw or may not be paired – so please be prompt.
Time limit Each player gets 1 hour 30 minutes for the complete game.
Prizes This is run free so no prize money - just the fun in playing and a certificate and for the winner the name on the perpetual trophy.There will be grading bands, again depending on entrants.
Entry Fee Free
Controller: Mark Newman Telephone 07872544868. email:
1. Players must complete 10 games to be considered to qualify.
2. If a player does not play in two of the last three rounds they will be assumed to have played and lost 2 games. If they play only one then they will forfeit one game.
3. However if a player has played 14 or more games then they are exempt from rule 2.
4. Scores will be calculated on a percentage basis.