End of Winter Tournament 2020/21 fun tournament and Award ceremony.
We will have a 5 round fun 10min active tournament followed by a Zoom event to celebrate the tournament.
Event details
Mar 29, 2021
from 07:00 PM to 09:45 PM
from 07:00 PM to 09:45 PM
Contact Name
Contact Phone
I will email the list of Winter tournament registered players as usual at 6:00pm. Asking people to respond OK if they wish to play.
I will do a draw for first round at 7:00pm
and white will challenge black to game of 10mins each.
both players once finish to email me the result.
I will then do the draw for round 2 .....
The no of rounds may depend on the no of players.
approx timings,
Rd1 7:00
Rd2 7:25
Rd3 7:50
Rd4 8:15
Rd5 8:40
Then at approx 9:15 will have an award ceremony on Zoom lasting about 15-20mins:
I will email players registered for the Winter tournament and or this fun tournament details of the Zoom meeting.