Final crosstable
RANK CLUB Vi St Be FL Total 1 VICTORIA xx 01 10 11 4.0 2 STRANDTOWN 10 xx 11 01 4.0 3 BELFAST 01 00 xx 11 3.0 4 FREE LANCES 00 10 00 xx 1.0
On the 18th May the Weekly Irish Times reported on the post regular season matches:
Victoria and Strandtown Clubs met on the 18th ult. in Strandtown Schoolroom to play off the tie for the Ulster trophy. Curiously enough at the conclusion of play the match was still undecided, the score being 3.5 each and one game (O'Hanlon v. Chamberlain) unfinished. In the circumstances the secretaries agreed to regard the match as drawn and to play another. Score:-
Victoria Strandtown J.J. O'Hanlon = W.Y. Chamberlain = J. McMeekin 0 J.W. Carey 1 A.S. Roper = T. Patterson = T.E. Morton 1 Dr. R.W. Leslie 0 G.F. Purdy 1 R.M. Steele 0 W.H. Williamson 0 W.H.F. Patterson 1 J. Stephenson 1 T. Kelly 0 Dr. H.L. Stewart 0 J.M. Haig 1 Total 4.0 Total 4.0
The tie was played off on the 30th ult. in Fountainville Schoolroom, and resulted in favour of the home team, who thus retain possession of the trophy for another year. Score:-
Victoria Strandtown J.J. O'Hanlon 1 J.W. Carey 0 J. McMeekin 0 W.Y. Chamberlain 1 A.S. Roper = R.M. Steele = G.F. Purdy 0 W.H.F. Patterson 1 W.H. Williamson 1 T. Kelly 0 T.E. Morton 1 J.M. Haig 0 J. Stephenson 1 E.D. Dickson 0 Dr. H.L. Stewart 0 W. Marks 1 Total 4.5 Total 3.5
27 February - 9 May 1912
Final crosstable
PLAYER T C K A M PTS H. THOMAS X 1 0 1 1 3.0 J.W. CAREY 0 X = 1 1 2.5 W. KIRKPATRICK 1 = X 0 1 2.5 W.J. ALLEN 0 0 1 X 1 2.0 J. McMEEKIN 0 0 0 0 X 0.0
The competition Rules had specified that if only half a point separated the two highest scores, a match of three games had to be played between those two persons, the result to be added to the points already scored. The framers of the Rules therefore had not anticipated the situation that had now arisen - three players at the top of the standings separated by only half-a-point. However Kirkpatrick withdrew from the play-off and instead of Carey conceding a half-point start, he and Thomas played a standalone play-off match of 3 games.
November - December 1912
Game1 Game2 Total H. THOMAS 1 1 2.0 J.W. CAREY 0 0 0.0