Final crosstable
RANK CLUB Li Be NB Vi CP St Total 1 LISBURN xx 10 11 11 11 11 9.0 2=3 BELFAST 01 xx =1 10 01 11 6.5 2=3 N BELFAST 00 =0 xx 11 11 11 6.5 4 VICTORIA 00 01 00 xx 11 0= 3.5 5 CPA 00 10 00 00 xx 11 3.0 6 STRANDTOWN 00 00 00 1= 00 xx 1.5
The two matches between Lisburn and Belfast were not played. In the first round of matches, Belfast was unable to raise a team and defaulted. The second scheduled match, Lisburn scratched having already won the trophy.
The June 1907 edition of the British Chess Magazine had, as its frontispiece, a photograph of the winning Lisburn team. It reported at page 263:
The Lisburn club was only founded last year - February 27th, 1906...The club musters about 30 members. Mr. J.J. O'Hanlon, champion of Ulster, plays board No. 1. Mr. H.G. Cole is also a member, and often assists in matches at board No. 2. Both these gentleman are well-known competitors at the meetings of the British Chess Federation. Mr. Cole took part in the International Amateur Tournament at Ostend last month, and we believe it is the intention of Mr. O'Hanlon to compete in the forthcoming amateur contest at the Belgium Mecca of chess.