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2nd November saw the Childrens Chess series of Tournaments Start

A brilliant warmup to the December Ulster Schools Championships. Young players gathered at Methody College for an afternoon of Chess games and Chess puzzles.

This series of tournaments culminates in an elite award ceremony usually held at Stormont. To get there is the challenge the journey is the fun. With 5 tournaments we have a grandprix system. Points are award to players for each tournament and the best 3 obtained over the 5 are added and the score used to assess each players position in the Grandprix - the top 4 players from Primary, Lower Secondary ( Forms 1 to 3) and Upper Secondary ( Form 4 and above). qualify to be invited to the award ceremony and Elite Tournament. Two other categories are included for puzzle solving. Primary Puzzle Solving and Secondary Puzzle Solving.

To me apart from the friendly atmosphere the Puzzle solving is the best bit of the day. We had 24 problems with varying levels of difficulty. During the tournament I solve these to create a solution sheet and today was a challenge to get this done for the end of the tournament.

A big thankyou to volunteers Brendan Jamison and Geoff Hindley who made this event possible.

See you all at the Ulster Championships on Saturday 7th December.

Primary Puzzle Solver Champion - Aaditya Singh.

Name Year Points Cert
Singh, Aaditya P6 20 Gold
Cole, Ethan P3 12 Silver
Suitor, Cian P6 11 Silver
Toogood, Daniel P7 9 Silver
Bhars, Aakanksh Sunil P3 6 Bronze
Cole, Alannah P2 5 Bronze
O'Kane, Luca P4 5 Bronze
Suitor, Cillian P4 5 Bronze
Fitzsimons, Zoe P5 5 Bronze

Secondary Puzzle Solver Champion: James Huang.

Name Year Points Cert
Huang, James F1 14 Gold
Rushe, Adam U6 13 Gold
Patterson, Calvin F1 9 Silver
Taufik, Kamal F1 8 Silver
Toogood, Ben F3 8 Silver
Boyd, Joseph F2 6 Silver
Rakeeb, Mohammed F3 2 Bronze
Wang, Edison F1 1 Bronze
Maguire, Patrick F2 1 Bronze
Zhang, William F4 1 Bronze

Here are some of the puzzles see if you can solve them...... solutions at the bottom of the page - good luck

p10 p11 p12
p13 p14 p15

The sets in position the clocks set. Names in the computer the draw was done and silence fell with the beginning of the first round.

Round 1


No Name                 Feder Rtg  Total  Result   Name                 Feder Rtg  Total

 1 Kamal Taufik         F1    1342 [0]      1:0    Patrick Maguire      F2    707  [0]  
 2 Joseph Boyd          F2    700  [0]      0:1    Ben Toogood          F3    1152 [0]  
 3 Calvin Patterson     F1    1034 [0]      1:0    Ethan Cole           P3    700  [0]  
 4 Lucas Dowling        P7    700  [0]      0:1    Aaditya Singh        P6    924  [0]  
 5 Aayush Sunil Bhars   F4    875  [0]      1:0    Luca O'Kane          P4    700  [0]  
 6 Ashwanth Subramanian F4    700  [0]      1:0    William Zhang        F4    830  [0]  
 7 Cian Suitor          P6    828  [0]      1:0    Holly Hawkins        P7    650  [0]  
 8 Edison Wang          F1    550  [0]      0:1    Mohammed Rakeeb      F3    825  [0]  
 9 Daniel Toogood       P7    800  [0]      1:0    Aakanksh Sunil Bhars P3    525  [0]  
10 Cillian Suitor       P4    391  [0]      0:1    James Huang          F1    750  [0]  
11 Alannah Cole         P2    300  [0]      1:0    BYE                                  
12 Adam Rushe           U6    1324 [0]     .5:.5   BYE                                  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)

Each player has a rating and one is allocated if none has been set. The players are paired according to their rating and their points. As everyone starts with zero points - the top players play the lower half of the rating list. This way of pairing means the top players will only play each other in the latter part of the tournament.  The first round went to rating apart from Ashwanth Subramanian beating William Zhang - Ashwanth having an estimated rating.

As each match completed the players reported their results and continued to look at the Chess puzzles or played a friendly game.

As soon as all games were completed the results were put into the computer and the next round was drawn and then started - so an afternoon of continous chess ensued. We encouraged the players to take their time over their moves as most played too fast and made mistakes by missing obvious moves and threats.

rd1-3 rd1-4

Round 2


No Name                 Feder Rtg  Total  Result   Name                 Feder Rtg  Total

 1 Mohammed Rakeeb      F3    825  [1]      0:1    Kamal Taufik         F1    1342 [1]  
 2 Ben Toogood          F3    1152 [1]      1:0    Cian Suitor          P6    828  [1]  
 3 James Huang          F1    750  [1]     .5:.5   Calvin Patterson     F1    1034 [1]  
 4 Aaditya Singh        P6    924  [1]      1:0    Daniel Toogood       P7    800  [1]  
 5 Alannah Cole         P2    300  [1]     .5:.5   Aayush Sunil Bhars   F4    875  [1]  
 6 Patrick Maguire      F2    707  [0]      0:1    Ashwanth Subramanian F4    700  [1]  
 7 Luca O'Kane          P4    700  [0]      0:1    Adam Rushe           U6    1324 [.5] 
 8 William Zhang        F4    830  [0]      1:0    Edison Wang          F1    550  [0]  
 9 Holly Hawkins        P7    650  [0]      0:1    Joseph Boyd          F2    700  [0]  
10 Ethan Cole           P3    700  [0]      1:0    Cillian Suitor       P4    391  [0]  
11 Aakanksh Sunil Bhars P3    525  [0]      1:0    Lucas Dowling        P7    700  [0]  

James Huang gets a good draw against Calvin Patterson and the very young Alannah Cole gets a draw against a draw against Aayush Sunil Bhars. The favourite and current Ulster Champion Kamal Taufik leads with two points.

rd2-3 rd2-4

Round 3


No Name                 Feder Rtg  Total  Result   Name                 Feder Rtg  Total

 1 Kamal Taufik         F1    1342 [2]      1:0    Aaditya Singh        P6    924  [2]  
 2 Ashwanth Subramanian F4    700  [2]      0:1    Ben Toogood          F3    1152 [2]  
 3 Adam Rushe           U6    1324 [1.5]   .5:.5   James Huang          F1    750  [1.5]
 4 Calvin Patterson     F1    1034 [1.5]    1:0    Alannah Cole         P2    300  [1.5]
 5 Aayush Sunil Bhars   F4    875  [1.5]    0:1    William Zhang        F4    830  [1]  
 6 Cian Suitor          P6    828  [1]      1:0    Aakanksh Sunil Bhars P3    525  [1]  
 7 Joseph Boyd          F2    700  [1]     .5:.5   Mohammed Rakeeb      F3    825  [1]  
 8 Daniel Toogood       P7    800  [1]      1:0    Ethan Cole           P3    700  [1]  
 9 Edison Wang          F1    550  [0]      0:1    Patrick Maguire      F2    707  [0]  
10 Lucas Dowling        P7    700  [0]      1:0    Holly Hawkins        P7    650  [0]  
11 Cillian Suitor       P4    391  [0]     .5:.5   Luca O'Kane          P4    700  [0]  

Kamal Taufik and Ben Toogood lead with 3 full points. Followed by Calvin Patterson on 2.5 and a group on 2 points. Brilliant to see the P2 Alannah Cole on the top tables with 1.5 points.

rd3-3 rd3-4

Round 4


No Name            Feder Rtg  Total  Result   Name                 Feder Rtg  Total

 1 Ben Toogood     F3    1152 [3]      0:1    Kamal Taufik         F1    1342 [3]  
 2 Adam Rushe      U6    1324 [2]      1:0    Calvin Patterson     F1    1034 [2.5]
 3 Aaditya Singh   P6    924  [2]      0:1    Ashwanth Subramanian F4    700  [2]  
 4 William Zhang   F4    830  [2]      1:0    Daniel Toogood       P7    800  [2]  
 5 James Huang     F1    750  [2]      1:0    Cian Suitor          P6    828  [2]  
 6 Mohammed Rakeeb F3    825  [1.5]    0:1    Aayush Sunil Bhars   F4    875  [1.5]
 7 Alannah Cole    P2    300  [1.5]    0:1    Joseph Boyd          F2    700  [1.5]
 8 Patrick Maguire F2    707  [1]      1:0    Lucas Dowling        P7    700  [1]  
 9 Ethan Cole      P3    700  [1]      1:0    Aakanksh Sunil Bhars P3    525  [1]  
10 Luca O'Kane     P4    700  [.5]    .5:.5   Zoe Fitzsimons       P5    321  [0]  
11 Holly Hawkins   P7    650  [0]      1:0    Cillian Suitor       P4    391  [.5] 
12 Edison Wang     F1    550  [0]      1:0    BYE     

Adam Rushe climbs to Second place with a win over the very able Calvin Patterson. Whilst the two leaders knock heads and Kamal wins to lead the tournament by beating Ben Toogood.

rd4-3 rd4-4

Round 5


No Name                 Feder Rtg  Total  Result   Name               Feder Rtg  Total

 1 Kamal Taufik         F1    1342 [4]      1:0    James Huang        F1    750  [3]  
 2 Ashwanth Subramanian F4    700  [3]      0:1    Adam Rushe         U6    1324 [3]  
 3 William Zhang        F4    830  [3]      0:1    Ben Toogood        F3    1152 [3]  
 4 Calvin Patterson     F1    1034 [2.5]    1:0    Aayush Sunil Bhars F4    875  [2.5]
 5 Joseph Boyd          F2    700  [2.5]    0:1    Aaditya Singh      P6    924  [2]  
 6 Cian Suitor          P6    828  [2]     .5:.5   Ethan Cole         P3    700  [2]  
 7 Daniel Toogood       P7    800  [2]      1:0    Patrick Maguire    F2    707  [2]  
 8 Mohammed Rakeeb      F3    825  [1.5]    1:0    Alannah Cole       P2    300  [1.5]
 9 Lucas Dowling        P7    700  [1]     .5:.5   Edison Wang        F1    550  [1]  
10 Aakanksh Sunil Bhars P3    525  [1]      0:1    Luca O'Kane        P4    700  [1]  
11 Zoe Fitzsimons       P5    321  [.5]     1:0    Holly Hawkins      P7    650  [1]  
12 Cillian Suitor       P4    391  [.5]     1:0    BYE            

Kamal maintains his lead. Chased by Adam Rushe and Ben Toogood. Ethand Cole draws against Cian Suitor. The younger Daniel Toogood beats Patrick Maguire.

rd5-3 rd5-4

Round 6


No Name                 Feder Rtg  Total  Result   Name                 Feder Rtg  Total

 1 Adam Rushe           U6    1324 [4]      0:1    Kamal Taufik         F1    1342 [5]  
 2 Ben Toogood          F3    1152 [4]      0:1    Calvin Patterson     F1    1034 [3.5]
 3 Aaditya Singh        P6    924  [3]      1:0    William Zhang        F4    830  [3]  
 4 James Huang          F1    750  [3]      1:0    Daniel Toogood       P7    800  [3]  
 5 Aayush Sunil Bhars   F4    875  [2.5]    0:1    Ashwanth Subramanian F4    700  [3]  
 6 Joseph Boyd          F2    700  [2.5]    0:1    Cian Suitor          P6    828  [2.5]
 7 Ethan Cole           P3    700  [2.5]    1:0    Mohammed Rakeeb      F3    825  [2.5]
 8 Patrick Maguire      F2    707  [2]      1:0    Luca O'Kane          P4    700  [2]  
 9 Cillian Suitor       P4    391  [1.5]    0:1    Lucas Dowling        P7    700  [1.5]
10 Edison Wang          F1    550  [1.5]    1:0    Zoe Fitzsimons       P5    321  [1.5]
11 Holly Hawkins        P7    650  [1]      1:0    Alannah Cole         P2    300  [1.5]
12 Aakanksh Sunil Bhars P3    525  [1]      1:0    BYE        

Round 6 and finally the two top rated players meet. Kamal wins and increases his lead. The top tables are very competitive - Calvin Patterson beats Ben Toogood and overtakes him going into 2nd place with 4.5 points.

Its always difficult to judge the number of rounds to play - we decide to play one extra and to play 7 rounds.

rd6-3 rd6-4

Round 7


No Name                 Feder Rtg  Total  Result   Name                 Feder Rtg  Total

 1 Kamal Taufik         F1    1342 [6]      1:0    Calvin Patterson     F1    1034 [4.5]
 2 Aaditya Singh        P6    924  [4]      1:0    Adam Rushe           U6    1324 [4]  
 3 Daniel Toogood       P7    800  [3]      0:1    Ben Toogood          F3    1152 [4]  
 4 Ashwanth Subramanian F4    700  [4]      1:0    Ethan Cole           P3    700  [3.5]
 5 Cian Suitor          P6    828  [3.5]    0:1    Patrick Maguire      F2    707  [3]  
 6 William Zhang        F4    830  [3]      0:1    James Huang          F1    750  [4]  
 7 Aayush Sunil Bhars   F4    875  [2.5]    0:1    Joseph Boyd          F2    700  [2.5]
 8 Lucas Dowling        P7    700  [2.5]    0:1    Mohammed Rakeeb      F3    825  [2.5]
 9 Luca O'Kane          P4    700  [2]      0:1    Holly Hawkins        P7    650  [2]  
10 Alannah Cole         P2    300  [1.5]   .5:.5   Aakanksh Sunil Bhars P3    525  [2]  
11 Zoe Fitzsimons       P5    321  [1.5]   .5:.5   Cillian Suitor       P4    391  [1.5]

The final round Kamal reaches the final round and cant be caught - he wins against a tough opponent Calvin Patterson and ends with full 7 points.


Place Name                 Feder Rtg  Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Kamal Taufik         F1    1342 7        22.5  31.0   28.0
 2-5  Ben Toogood          F3    1152 5        19.5  29.5   22.0
      Ashwanth Subramanian F4    700  5        19.5  27.0   20.0
      Aaditya Singh        P6    924  5        18.5  28.0   19.0
      James Huang          F1    750  5        18.0  26.5   19.5
  6   Calvin Patterson     F1    1034 4.5      20.0  28.5   20.0
 7-8  Adam Rushe           U6    1324 4        23.0  32.0   19.0
      Patrick Maguire      F2    707  4        16.5  25.5   12.0
9-12  Cian Suitor          P6    828  3.5      19.0  26.0   15.5
      Joseph Boyd          F2    700  3.5      17.5  24.0   13.5
      Ethan Cole           P3    700  3.5      16.5  23.0   13.5
      Mohammed Rakeeb      F3    825  3.5      14.5  23.0   13.5
13-15 William Zhang        F4    830  3        20.5  28.0   15.0
      Daniel Toogood       P7    800  3        20.5  27.5   15.0
      Holly Hawkins        P7    650  3        11.5  16.5    7.0
16-19 Aayush Sunil Bhars   F4    875  2.5      16.5  23.0   14.0
      Lucas Dowling        P7    700  2.5      15.0  21.5    8.5
      Aakanksh Sunil Bhars P3    525  2.5      14.5  19.5    8.5
      Edison Wang          F1    550  2.5      12.0  18.0    5.0
20-23 Alannah Cole         P2    300  2        16.0  22.5   10.5
      Cillian Suitor       P4    391  2        14.5  21.5    6.0
      Zoe Fitzsimons       P5    321  2        14.5  19.5    5.5
      Luca O'Kane          P4    700  2        13.5  19.0    7.5

The final standings - we give out trophies for each year combining the top secondary years Form 4 and above and the lower years, P5 and below.

Here are the prize winners:

Primary 5 and Below

Champion: Ethan Cole

Second: Aakanksh Sunhil Bhars

Third: Alaanah Cole, Cillian Suitor,

Zoe Fitzsimons, Luca O'Kane

Primary 6

Champion: Aaditya Singh

Second: Cain Suitor

Primary 7

Champion: Daniel Toogood

Joint First: Holy Hawkins

Second: Lucas Dowling

Form 1

Champion: Kamal Taufik

Second: James Huang

Third: Calvin Patterson

Form 2

Champion: Patrick Maguire

Second: Joseph Boyd

Form 3

Champion: Ben Toogood

Second: Mohammed Rakeeb

Form 4 and above

Champion: Ashwanth Subramanian

Second: Adam Rushe

Third: William Zhang

Photos of the award ceremony.

prize2 sec-puzzle-win
awards-room P5winner
P6winner P7winner
f1winner f2winner
f3winner f4winner


The puzzle solutions:

1. Ng6+ fxg
2. Nxe6#


1. Rd8+ Rxd8

2. Qf7#


1. Ra7 R moves

2. Rxa4


1. Nf7+ Rxf7

2. Qxc7


1. Bxa6


1. ... Qxg1+

2. Rxg1 Re1+

3. Rxe1 Rxe1#


1. Rd1 The Queen is lost


1. Re8 Qxe8

2. Qxf6+ Kg8

3. Bh6 Black cant

stop mate.


1. c4 wins a piece

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