Greenisland Blitz Championship 2022
Event details
from 07:00 PM to 09:30 PM
Contact Name
Please note the event will be limited to 30 players.
Initially, places will be held for members of GFC Chess Club. After this, if any spots are still available, they will be offered to regular visiting players from other clubs who attend tournaments at GFC.
Time control: 10+0
6 rounds
There will be 7 trophies available; these will be awarded for the Champion, 2nd, 3rd, Female Champion, Female 2nd, Grading Award and Junior Grading Award.
Tie-breaks will be determined by Swiss Master 5.7 Build 8, in the following order: Median Buchholz, Buchholz and Progressive.
Entry fee: £6. Free entry for 2nd or 3rd players from the same family.