Week 12 : The Annual Summer Tournament at Civil Service Social Club: Weds 26th July
Event details
from 07:30 PM to 10:45 PM
Contact Name
Contact Phone
The UCU Summer Tournament is open to all chess players and provides regular competitive chess during the summer months when many chess clubs are closed.
Venue Civil Service Social Club , Maynard Sinclair Pavilion
Starting Wednesday 3rd May 2023 and every Wednesday.
Ending Wednesday 27th September 2023. Prize Giving and mini tournament.
Start Time for each round 7:45pm. please arrive by 7:30pm or the draw.
Format The tournament is flexible – players play whichever nights suit them with pairings being made on the evening. Players are usually paired with opponents within their own grading band but late comers may get a difficult draw – so please be prompt.
Time limit Each player gets 1 hour 30 minutes for the complete game.
Please email me by 3:00pm on the evening of the tournament. to let the controller know to be included in the draw: mark.chris.newman@googlemail.com
Time limit Each player gets 1 hour 30 minutes for the complete game. (unless we need to vacate the room early).
Prizes will depend on number of entrants.There will be grading bands, again depending on entrants.
Entry Fee £20.
Controller: Mark Newman Telephone 07872544868. email: mark.chris.newman@googlemail.com
1. Players must complete 10 games to be considered for prizes.
2. If a player does not play in two of the last three rounds they will be assumed to have played and lost 2 games. If they play only one then they will forfeit one game.
3. However if a player has played 14 or more games then they are exempt from rule 2.
4. Scores will be calculated on a percentage basis.
Controller Mark Newman