You are here: Home Users Mark Newman 2021-2022 Summer tournament 2022 Summer tournament final results Remembering warmer evenings! Summer Tournament award ceremony and Fun quickplay tournamant 2022.

Remembering warmer evenings! Summer Tournament award ceremony and Fun quickplay tournamant 2022.

The end of the Summer sees the final evening of the Summer tournament with a fun handicap tournament and prize giving. So players gathered at the Civil Service Pavilion to celebrate a Summer of great chess on Sept 28th 2022.

Due to an odd number I put myself into the ring - I am never good at fast play chess, tending to pause in the game for thought and loosing on time! and of course sometimes on the board. Many thanks to David Seaby for the original idea of the time handicap and providing the time difference matrix against the difference ratings. A difference of 780 rating points resulting in 2 mins v 18 mins. The Clocks were set to different times to match possible rating differences to save players having to set the clocks.

The Summer tournament run every weds from the beginning of May to the end of Sept - 20 weeks of chess with 3 hour rated games. The original idea (and this tournament has been running for years) was to provide an opportunity to play chess when most clubs are closed. Luckily today clubs provide other opportunities to play over the Summer. The scoring is based on percentage of scores with a rule that penalises players if they dont play in the last weeks of the tournament. This year we had some 37 players having 169 games. The Hamill Cup was awarded to Intermediate section player Adrian Dornford-Smith, there was a close battle for the Championship and its nice to see the winner being in a section other than the top group. A special award for best attendance was also awarded to Richard Morrow who didnt miss a week.

Fun Rapidplay - Round 1


No Name                  Rtg  Total  Result   Name           Rtg  Total

 1 Michael Sheerin       1736 [0]      1:0    Amol Thoke     1336 [0]  
 2 Adrian Dornford-Smith 1247 [0]      0:1    Mark Newman    1583 [0]  
 3 Ethan Cole            1524 [0]      1:0    Joe Gunning    1213 [0]  
 4 Ashish Shambharkar    1200 [0]      0:1    Cathal Murphy  1442 [0]  
 5 Richard Morrow        1361 [0]      1:0    Bernard Jaffa  1149 [0]  
 6 Caleb McClean         1116 [0]      1:0    William Storey 1356 [0]  
by Swiss Perfect (TM)


The first round goes to rating apart from Caleb's win against William.

Fun Rapidplay - Round 2


No Name           Rtg  Total  Result   Name                  Rtg  Total

 1 Cathal Murphy  1442 [1]      0:1    Michael Sheerin       1736 [1]  
 2 Mark Newman    1583 [1]      1:0    Richard Morrow        1361 [1]  
 3 Caleb McClean  1116 [1]      1:0    Ethan Cole            1524 [1]  
 4 William Storey 1356 [0]     .5:.5   Joe Gunning           1213 [0]  
 5 Amol Thoke     1336 [0]      0:1    Ashish Shambharkar    1200 [0]  
 6 Bernard Jaffa  1149 [0]      1:0    Adrian Dornford-Smith 1247 [0]  

Caleb continues his wins with a Good win against Ethan. Whilst the top cede Michael also wins.

Fun Rapidplay - Round 3


No Name                  Rtg  Total  Result   Name           Rtg  Total

 1 Michael Sheerin       1736 [2]      1:0    Mark Newman    1583 [2]  
 2 Richard Morrow        1361 [1]      0:1    Caleb McClean  1116 [2]  
 3 Ethan Cole            1524 [1]      1:0    Cathal Murphy  1442 [1]  
 4 Ashish Shambharkar    1200 [1]      1:0    Bernard Jaffa  1149 [1]  
 5 Adrian Dornford-Smith 1247 [0]      1:0    William Storey 1356 [.5] 
 6 Joe Gunning           1213 [.5]     0:1    Amol Thoke     1336 [0]  

The two top cedes meet and Michael wins. Can he be beaten? Caleb challenges the lead with 3 full points with a good win over Richard.

Fun Rapidplay - Round 4


No Name           Rtg  Total  Result   Name                  Rtg  Total

 1 Caleb McClean  1116 [3]      0:1    Michael Sheerin       1736 [3]  
 2 Mark Newman    1583 [2]      0:1    Ethan Cole            1524 [2]  
 3 William Storey 1356 [.5]     0:1    Ashish Shambharkar    1200 [2]  
 4 Cathal Murphy  1442 [1]      0:1    Adrian Dornford-Smith 1247 [1]  
 5 Amol Thoke     1336 [1]      1:0    Bernard Jaffa         1149 [1]  
 6 Joe Gunning    1213 [.5]     0:1    Richard Morrow        1361 [1]  

The top scorers play and Michael is trumphant. Leading the tournament into the final round.

Fun Rapidplay - Round 5


No Name               Rtg  Total  Result   Name                  Rtg  Total

 1 Michael Sheerin    1736 [4]      1:0    Ethan Cole            1524 [3]  
 2 Ashish Shambharkar 1200 [3]     .5:.5   Caleb McClean         1116 [3]  
 3 Amol Thoke         1336 [2]      1:0    Mark Newman           1583 [2]  
 4 Richard Morrow     1361 [2]      1:0    Adrian Dornford-Smith 1247 [2]  
 5 William Storey     1356 [.5]     0:1    Cathal Murphy         1442 [1]  
 6 Bernard Jaffa      1149 [1]      1:0    Joe Gunning           1213 [.5] 

The top and third cede playoff. Michael again wins and ends up on 5 out of 5. Amol gets a good win against Mark. The time difference does give an interesting challenge to the tournament. A brilliant bit of fun.


players3 players4



Place Name                  Rtg  Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Michael Sheerin       1736 5         8.0  13.5   15.0
 2-3  Caleb McClean         1116 3.5       9.5  15.0   12.5
      Ashish Shambharkar    1200 3.5       7.0  11.0    9.5
 4-6  Ethan Cole            1524 3         7.5  13.0   10.0
      Amol Thoke            1336 3         7.5  13.0    6.0
      Richard Morrow        1361 3         6.0  10.0    8.0
7-10  Mark Newman           1583 2         9.0  16.0    9.0
      Cathal Murphy         1442 2         8.5  14.0    6.0
      Bernard Jaffa         1149 2         8.0  12.0    5.0
      Adrian Dornford-Smith 1247 2         6.0   9.5    5.0
11-12 Joe Gunning           1213 0.5       8.0  11.5    2.0
      William Storey        1356 0.5       7.5  11.5    2.0

Michael Sheerin is champion with an unbeated 5 out of 5. Caleb second with an excellent 3.5 with ashish on same points 3rd. Considering the ratings range the time difference did flatten the field.

The event was followed by the prize giving ceremony for the annual UCU Summer tournaament.

Summer Tournament

Champion: Adrian Dornford-Smith

Second: Bernard Jaffa

Senior Section: Winner : Richard Morrow

Intermediate Section: Winner : Amol Thoke

Junior Section: Winner : Joseph Gunning

Full results below:


Senior Section

Rating Name played Points % Penalty Adj Points Adj %
2027 Gareth Annesley 1 1 100.00 0 1 100.00
1634 Des Moreland 4 3.5 87.50 0 3.5 87.50
1570 Richard Morrow 20 14 70.00 0 14 70.00 Section Winner
2037 Mandar Tahmankar 8 5 62.50 0 5 62.50
1808 Robert Wright 4 2.5 62.50 0 2.5 62.50
1876 Alex Goss 11 8.5 77.27 -2 6.5 59.09
1669 Mark Newman 9 4.5 50.00 0 4.5 50.00
1514 David Ruben 17 8 47.06 0 8 47.06
1708 Robert Lavery 8 3.5 43.75 0 3.5 43.75
1630 John Bryars 9 3.5 38.89 0 3.5 38.89
1793 Conor Spackman 7 2.5 35.71 0 2.5 35.71
1547 Bobby Thompson 16 5.5 34.38 0 5.5 34.38
1600 Lesley Black 3 1 33.33 0 1 33.33

Intermediate Section

Rating Name played Points %
1257 Adrian Dornford-Smith 14 10 71.43 0 10 71.43 1st Place
1242 Bernard Jaffa 12 8.5 70.83 0 8.5 70.83 2nd Place
1308 Amol Thoke 12 7.5 62.50 0 7.5 62.50 Section Winner
1264 Richard Proctor 12 7 58.33 0 7 58.33
1228 Paddy Macgee 17 9.5 55.88 0 9.5 55.88
1405 William Storey 19 9.5 50.00 0 9.5 50.00
1339 Chris Armstrong 2 1 50.00 0 1 50.00
1296 Cathal Murphy 12 6.5 54.17 -1 5.5 45.83
1265 Stewart McConaghy 18 8 44.44 0 8 44.44
1318 Ethan Cole 13 5 38.46 -1 4 30.77
1255 Michael Devine 4 1 25.00 0 1 25.00
1277 Pat McKillen 7 1.5 21.43 0 1.5 21.43
1300 Yersultan Kossymov 1 0 0.00 0 0 0.00

Junior Section

Rating Name played Points %
1140 Roy Stafford 2 1.5 75.00 0 1.5 75.00
1200 Joseph Gunning 17 11.5 67.65 0 11.5 67.65 Section Winner
1000 Calib McClean 16 8.5 53.13 0 8.5 53.13
1100 Dan Bondarau 7 2.5 35.71 0 2.5 35.71
1006 Geoff Hindley 9 3 33.33 0 3 33.33
1000 Costa Protaschik 8 2 25.00 0 2 25.00
823 Brian Fitzsimons 5 1 20.00 0 1 20.00
1000 Siarhei Bondarau 7 1 14.29 0 1 14.29
1203 John Monaghan 3 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
1100 David Seaby 3 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
926 Matthew Moreland 1 0 0.00 0 0 0.00