Current news in Ulster Chess
Downpatrick Rapid - 17th September 2022
The NI Rapidplay Grand Prix continued with the Downpatrick Rapidplay 17th Sept. So far, 40 players have competed in the NI Rapid Grand Prix. 10 events in total. After the first two tournaments, Richard Morrow leads the top section and Paul O’Connor leads the junior section.
Roaming Knights in North Belfast will celebrate its one year anniversary 22nd Oct 2022
Roaming Knights in North Belfast will celebrate its one year anniversary with a special chess cake and afternoon rapid tournament on Saturday 22nd October at Duncairn Arts Centre on the Antrim Road. Check-in at 1:30pm, ending at 4:30pm. Spectators welcome.
October 2022 FIDE rating report - 15 players make a FIDE debut
Report by B.Jamison, FIDE National Arbiter The month of September saw 5 FIDE-rated events in total, 2 blitz and 3 rapid.
Strand Rapid Championship 2022
The Strand Rapid Championship was held on Friday 23rd September 2022.
New Tuesday evening chess sessions at Geek Retreat, Bangor, Main Street
Another brilliant opportunity to play chess. Organised by Bangor Chess Club’s Becca McClurg (Chair) and Richard McClean (Equipment Secretary) Tuesdays 6-9pm at Geek Retreat.